The Chavist dictatorship is about to end the dialogue process with the opposition in Mexico


Nicolás Maduro at the CELAC summit in Mexico (Photo: Reuters)
Nicolás Maduro at the CELAC summit in Mexico (Photo: Reuters)

The new round of negotiations between the government and the Venezuelan opposition it was suspended on Friday after Chavez’s delegates failed to arrive in Mexico City.

Two sources related to the process who requested anonymity for not being allowed to make confirmed statements to the agency PA that the first session of the third round has been suspended and should resume on Saturday, when representatives of the government of President Nicolás Maduro arrive in the Mexican capital.

This way, a process that was already complex before it started gets bogged down. In this sense, in Chavismo, they lay the foundations for the boycott of a negotiation promoted by Norway, Russia and the Netherlands.

After confirming the suspension at the start of the third day, the vice-president of the Chavista regime, Delcy Rodriguez, posted a message on his Twitter account criticizing US Ambassador to Venezuela James Story.

The message of the vice-president of the Chavist regime, Delcy Rodríguez
The message of the vice-president of the Chavist regime, Delcy Rodríguez

It is shameful how James Story gives orders to the colonized and puppet opposition in Venezuela on what to do at the dialogue table! It represents a failed project, which has bitten the dust of defeat on our lands! It will be like this forever! Amen! Long live Venezuela», Published the Chavist leader.

This message was then reproduced by Chavista Jorge Rodríguez, who also wrote his own message: “This statement from Story: 1) insults the Dialogue Table in Mexico, but above all 2) insults the UP delegates to whom it seems to be giving orders. The Bolivarian government will NEVER attend an agenda that tries to impose this character. Go nose to Superman”.

The message disseminated by the president of the Chavist Parliament, Jorge Rodríguez
The message disseminated by the president of the Chavist Parliament, Jorge Rodríguez

Before the postponement of the start of the third session, talks took place between 3 and 6 September and resulted in a partial agreement to meet the social needs of the population with a focus on the effects of the novel coronavirus pandemic.

After five failed dialogue attempts in the past seven years, the international community is betting that this time the way will be opened to a negotiated solution and electoral to the complex economic and social crisis in Venezuela, which has triggered the migration of six million people in recent years.

US diplomatic representative to Venezuela, James Story (Photo: EFE)
US diplomatic representative to Venezuela, James Story (Photo: EFE)

Some executives and analysts they expressed doubts about the process.

In accordance with the provisions of a memorandum of understanding signed on Aug 13In these dialogues, a broad agenda would be discussed which would include the definition of electoral guarantees and a timetable for observable elections; the lifting of sanctions; restoration of rights to assets; respect for the rule of law; political and social coexistence; renouncing violence; reparation of victims of violence and protection of the economy and the population.

Like the 2019 process, Norway participate as a mediator while Russia and The Netherlands act as companions of the Maduro and opposition delegations, led by Juan Guaido.

Venezuela has been facing for more than a decade a complex economic, social and political situation which worsened last year due to the crisis generated by the pandemic which worsened the economic paralysis. four-digit hyperinflation, poverty and the collapse of the health care system.

(With AP information)

Read on:

Mexico: start of new round of dialogue for peace in Venezuela postponed because Chavismo did not appear
The Venezuelan opposition has ratified its commitment to continue the process of dialogue with the dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro

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