The Chavist Dictatorship’s Unusual Mistake: It Claimed Colombia For An Airspace Violation That Never Happened


Colombian President Iván Duque in a file photo (Photo: EFE / Mauricio Dueñas Castañeda)
Colombian President Iván Duque in a file photo (Photo: EFE / Mauricio Dueñas Castañeda)

The Colombian Air Force (FAC) admitted that one of its drones flew over the northeastern border last Monday, but under no circumstances entered Venezuelan airspace. as denounced by the government of the Caribbean country.

“In the legitimate exercise of its functions, Monday, September 20, 2021, at 4:48 p.m., (an aerial reconnaissance mission was carried out with an unmanned aircraft), flying over Colombian airspace in the area of ​​the municipality of Tibú, Norte de Santander, ”the FAC said in a statement released Tuesday evening.

The Venezuelan Minister of Defense, Vladimir Padrino López, had denounced Tuesday that a drone of the Hermès type of the Colombian air force had violated the airspace of the Caribbean country at the same time.

The map with the location of the alleged violation of airspace by Colombia
The map with the location of the alleged violation of airspace by Colombia

“The precipitous aircraft was detected by the exploration systems of our Comprehensive Aerospace Defense Command, flying over the territory of the municipality of Jesús María Semprúm, state of ZuliaPadrino said in a statement shared on the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) Twitter account.

However, the brief statement from the Colombian Air Force indicates that The coordinates that Venezuela gave where the drone is supposed to have entered (09º04′50 ″ N – 72º53′52 ″ W) are in the territory of Colombia.

“The dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro continues aimlessly, to the point of getting lost between the latitude and longitude of his disappointments. Note that the coordinates 09º04′50 ″ N – 72º53′52 ″ Or mentioned in the Venezuelan declaration, correspond to Colombian territory, ”he wrote on his Twitter account. Diego Molano Aponte, Colombian Minister of Defense.

The message from Diego Molano Aponte, Colombian Minister of Defense
The message from Diego Molano Aponte, Colombian Minister of Defense

Venezuela alleges that there are indications of a “scheme of the North American Empire” and the Colombian government, “Building up some of their well-known false positives or any type of incident that allows them to continue to generate instability and, in a particular way, torpedo the process of dialogue that is currently taking place in Mexico” with the opposition from this country.

The President of Colombia, Iván Duque reiterated that he was skeptical of the said dialogue and in fact, in his speech yesterday at the United Nations General Assembly, he assured that the talks in Mexico, although “they give a little hope, they do not allow us to be naive., given that the only effective result of this meeting is the convening as soon as possible of a presidential election, free, transparent and with meticulous international observation ”.

Venezuela severed relations with Colombia in February 2019 after the failed attempt by the leader of the opposition Juan Guaido to enter his country by land from the Colombian city of Cúcuta at the head of a humanitarian aid caravan.

(With information from EFE)

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