The Chavista regime celebrated the election of Ebrahim Raisi in Iran: “It has the unconditional support of Nicolás Maduro and the Bolivarian revolution.


Nicolás Maduro and Ebrahim Raisi
Nicolás Maduro and Ebrahim Raisi

The regime of Nicolás Maduro greeted this Saturday the election of the ultraconservative cleric and head of the judiciary, Ebrahim Raisi, to the presidency of Iran and congratulated the people of this country for the “impeccable, democratic and participatory development” of elections held on Friday. , although the turnout was one of the lowest in history.

“The election of His Excellency Seyed Ebrahim Raisi, faithful representative of a brilliant generation that grew up and was forged with the Islamic revolution, guarantees that Iran will remain free and sovereign and that despite the adversities imposed, it will continue to grow powerfully ”, declared the chaviste of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs it is a statement.

Likewise, the regime has stated that Raisi has the “unconditional support of President Nicolás Maduro Moros and the Bolivarian revolution” to deepen “even more” relations between the two countries and “thus face the battles for social justice, dignity and sovereignty”.

Maduro also expressed his gratitude to Hasan Rouhani for the “integral leadership of his people in recent years, consolidating independence, progress and the project of the Islamic revolution in Iranian society”.

Hasan Rohani and Nicolás Maduro
Hasan Rohani and Nicolás Maduro

The Venezuelan president underlined the “leadership” of Rohani in the world “promoting respect for international law” and the “regional integration” processes.

Raisi won a comfortable and expected victory with 61.9% of the vote in the Iranian presidential elections, but voter turnout was exceptionally low by the country’s standards.

Raisi’s triumph was taken for granted because his opponents did not assume real competition, which also influenced the public’s lack of interest in the electoral nomination. As announced at a press conference by Iranian Interior Minister Abdolreza Rahmaní Fazlí, Raisí obtained 17,926,345 votes out of a total of 28,933,004 votes cast, or 61.9%.

Of the 59 million Iranians called to the polls, only 48.8% turned out, the lowest figure of any presidential election held since the triumph of the Islamic Revolution in 1979.

The alliance between Venezuela and Iran was born with Hugo Chávez. The close relationship that the late president established with the Persian regime began at the summit of heads of state of member countries of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) held in Caracas in 2000.

Hugo Chavez and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (Reuters)
Hugo Chavez and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (Reuters)

Since then and until shortly before his death, the Caribbean leader visited the Islamic Republic of Iran on several occasions, and then President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad visited Caracas for at least five time. During this period, hundreds of bilateral agreements were signed covering the petroleum, chemical, real estate and automotive sectors. Chávez said his alliance with Tehran was fundamental to his government and even gave Ahmadinejad a replica of Simón Bolivar’s sword.. Anyone who received one – Russian Valdimir Putin and Syrian Bashar Al Assad, for example – were automatically considered friends of Miraflores.

For Maduro, internationally isolated by the brutality of his regime, Iran has become one of his rare allies. And for Tehran, Venezuela is almost the only door left open in Latin America. Thus, relations between the two countries extend to the military domain.

Global concern

Ebrahim Raisi (Reuters)
Ebrahim Raisi (Reuters)

Humanitarian NGO Amnesty International has called for an investigation into crimes against humanity against the elected president of Iran, accused of participating in the murder, enforced disappearance and torture of political dissidents during his role in the so-called “death commission” at the end of the 1980s. More precisely, Amnesty denounces that Raisi participated in a program of extrajudicial executions against thousands of political opponents in the prisons of Evin and Gohardasht, near Tehran, in 1988, when the future president and head of the Iranian justice was in office deputy prosecutor of the Iranian capital.

As head of Iranian justice, Raisi has chaired, according to Amnesty, “a growing crackdown on human rights that has led to the arbitrary detention of hundreds of dissidents peacemakers, human rights defenders and members of persecuted minority groups ”.

Likewise, and under its control, the judiciary it also granted “general impunity” to those responsible for the execution of hundreds of men, women and children. and subjecting thousands of protesters to mass arrests and at least hundreds to enforced disappearances, torture and other evils during and after the national protests of November 2019, the organization accuses.

In fact, Raisi is on the blacklist of Iranian officials sanctioned by Washington for “complicity in serious human rights violations.”

“The fact that Ebrahim Raisi took the presidency instead of being investigated for crimes against humanity such as murder, enforced disappearance and torture, is a grim reminder that impunity reigns supreme in Iran, “the organization said in a statement.


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Amnesty International called for Iran’s new president, Ebrahim Raisi, to be investigated for the murder and torture of thousands of dissidents
Who is Ebrahim Raisi, the ultra-conservative cleric who becomes president of Iran

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