The children of Chavismo, between luxury and millionaire pleasures while Venezuelans suffer from the crisis


They study abroad and stay in exclusive hotels while the streets of their country are full of protesters. Credit: Instagram

They seem to have forgotten this famous phrase of the Socialist

Hugo Chavez,

who badured in his energetic and extended speeches that "to be rich is bad". The children of Chavism have left behind the ideals expressed by their
parents to live without taboos. That's why you see them with the
celebrities for the moment, studying in the most prestigious institutions, enjoying the luxury that in his country of birth no longer exists, only a few are allowed.

In the middle of
economic, social and political crisis in Venezuela, several weeks before the Bolivarian crisis

Nicolás Maduro

took his second term in the face of allegations of fraud and a few days before the President of the National Assembly, the

Juan Guaidó,

As president in charge, the descendants of the socialist movement that runs the country for decades are having fun.

According to what was published by the newspaper
DailyMail, the eldest daughter of the leader of the Bolivarian revolution, Hugo Chávez, María Gabriela, is the richest woman in Venezuela: she has a personal wealth of more than 4 billion dollars, hidden in banks of


Maria Gabriela Chávez
Maria Gabriela Chávez Credit: Instagram

Maria Gabriela, 38, was part of the political scene of her country during her father's government, when she became a kind of first lady after the ex-lieutenant divorced his second wife.

Today, she is in Paris and enjoys diplomatic immunity since she was appointed "Alternate Ambbadador of Venezuela to the United Nations".

His younger sister had the same fate. Rosines Chávez, 21, spends her days in France. He had to leave the country a little embarrbaded after announcing in 2016 a photo of him hands full of dollar bills.

Rosines Chávez and a photo that made him run away
Rosines Chávez and a photo that made him run away Credit: Instagram

Maduro's steps follow in his footsteps. Yoswal Gavidia Flores and Walter Gavidia Flores, son of first lady Cilia Flores, announced the news after spending about $ 45,000 for an 18-night stay at the Ritz Hotel in Paris, where rooms cost $ 591 a night. The amount they spent at that time is equal to the monthly salary of 2,000 Venezuelans, affected by a record inflation already above 1,000,000%. But the children of Chavismo do not only go to hotels, they like to shop in exclusive shops.

Nicolasito, Maduro's son, is different from his peers. In 2017, he was quoted in the media while he was threatening the President of the United States.

Donald Trump,

that he would take over

White House

if his army has entered


But the number two daughter of Maduro, the head of the National Constituent Assembly

Diosdado Cabello,

Her name is Daniela and she also enjoys life: she behaves like a celebrity and collaborates with the Latin pop singer Omar Acedo.


The nephews of the first lady, Cilia Flores, could not spend as much time as their loved ones. Efraín Antonio Campo Flores and Franqui Francisco Flores were jailed in 2017 and sentenced to 18 years in prison for smuggling millions of cocaine into the United States.

Justice determined a little over a year ago that the two young men, aged 31 and 32, conspired to use the presidential hangar of the airport Maiquetía de Caracas and send 800 pounds of drugs from there to Honduras, then to the north of the country. .

Nicolás Ernesto Maduro
Nicolás Ernesto Maduro Credit: Twitter


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