The “Chilean Hachiko”: the story of a dog who is still waiting for his deceased master in the hospital


the "Chilean Hachiko" waiting for its deceased owner in a health center, under a bench (Photo: BioBioChile)
The “Chilean Hachiko” waits for his deceased owner in a health center, under a bench (Photo: BioBioChile)

Since two weeks dog surprised public health center officials in Chile after animal was left alive while waiting for its owner, who died in the care establishment.

Specific, the story was published by officials of the Family Health Center (Cesfam) Father Vicente Irarrázaval located in the municipality of Estación Central, Santiago, who noticed the presence of a dog when a patient entered the premises, who would be the owner of this pet.

After the death of the owner of the animal in Cesfam, officials noticed that the little orphan dog continued to go to the place, and that he was hiding under a bench while awaiting the exit of his deceased owner.

According to the testimony of María José Rivero at BioBioChile, the “Chilean Hachiko” He arrived on the scene two weeks ago in the footsteps of his owner. “This little dog arrived in Cesfam two weeks ago, following his unfortunately deceased owner. From there we started to see the puppy making rounds, appearing, seeing if its owner was there and leaving. He walked the streets disoriented, still looking for him, ”said the official.

Health officials have assured that the animal would arrive at the place every day, and from time to time it would remain a few hours, or sometimes all night. For this same reason, they decided to approach him and feed him. However, the animal did not want food, it only needed its owner to come back.

“It’s normal to see patients arriving with their pets (…) But he caught our attention, it was different ”, Rivero pointed out, who is still shocked by the attitude of the animal.

The dog is staying in a veterinary clinic, while waiting for a family to adopt him (Photo: BioBioChile)
The dog is staying in a veterinary clinic, while waiting for a family to adopt him (Photo: BioBioChile)

According to health authorities, Last Tuesday the “Chilean Hachiko” was attacked and the cause is not well known. Some believe it was other dogs who raped him, while others claimed that it was a vehicle that had struck him this week.

Seeing him weak and with obvious blows to his body, the “Chilean Hachiko” was transferred to a veterinarian with the help of the municipality of the central station.

It was difficult for him to move. We see how he reacts as it was difficult for him to move his hind legs. Tomorrow will be a crucial day for Hachiko, there we will know if you have any special needs “said health officials who saw the animal in poor condition.

The first veterinary examinations indicated that the injuries of the “Chilean Hachiko” would be serious, so he will be treated and observed by professionals, while he is being formed in parallel, a family is asked to adopt him.

Who was the real Hachiko?

Hachiko, the famous Japanese dog
Hachiko, the famous Japanese dog

Hachiko was a Japanese Akita dog who became known for waiting for his master, Professor Hidesaburō Ueno, at Shibuya Station, even after the death of its owner.

As he says, Hachiko was born on a farm in Ōdate town, Akita prefecture.. Around 1924, Hidesaburō discovered it and she adopted it after her daughter insisted she keep it. After the man agreed, a relationship began between him and Hachiko who It has been reproduced virtually all over the world, and it even made it to the big screen with the movie “Always by your side, Hachiko” with Richard Gere.

The animal and its owner traveled to the train station every day, where Hidesaburō boarded a train that took him to work. After the dog returned to the post when the teacher returned to the post. This routine has gone on for a long time and is a main part of the special story between the two.

However, this routine would continue smoothly until May 21, 1925 when the professor suffered a brain hemorrhage when he taught at the University of Tokyo. After the death of his master that day, Hachiko ran to the station and returned home very late, without the presence of his master.

So after Hidesaburō’s death, Hachiko spent 9 years repeating her visits to the resort daily, waiting for his master to come back to him, which has never happened: On March 8, 1934, Hachikō was found dead in front of Shibuya station.

Read on:

“He scratched himself, clung”: the story of the dog who is still looking for his minor friend who died in Coahuila
Covito, the dog who waited a month in front of Tamaulipas hospital for the departure of his owner who died of COVID-19

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