The chilling story of the man who went to hell and who came back | Chronic


By Jorge Fernández Gentile
[email protected]

There are stories like that of the American Clifford Hoyt, which are very hard to believe, although the tests, the contents of the plot, even some delays, end up generating endless doubts. What looks a lot like a story of a fictional novel, with several borders and condiments, that makes it absolutely unpredictable. There are countless stories, facts that are strange because they fly over the irrational, reach the limit of the credible. However, many of these stories, which have more than one act, do not give a reliable explanation that reveals a paranormal phenomenon, an extrasensory case, a dimensional plan jump. Although it may be a fable that does not stand up to a real look. The case, also known as "The Man Who Has Been to Hell", has a start date: it took place on December 5, 1999 on the Maple Grove Road in the state of Maryland ( United States), where Clifford suffered a serious accident. . Despite the fact that he suffered several injuries and bruises, he was able, through an almost inhuman effort, to move his injured body out of the car and lie down on the road, then decompensate and fall into a state of disrepair advanced. coma A few minutes later, a truck crossed the site and, after encountering such a horrible tragedy, the carrier immediately called 911.

Already admitted to the local hospital, it was found that Clifford had not only gone into a coma but also had several fractures, internal bleeding and other injuries, some of which were very serious. So, his stay was very long and the recovery was extremely slow. What the doctors did not imagine was that the man was not fighting only for the physical woes that had caused the accident (in which two deaths had been recorded), but that something was happening. him. Basically in his mind, but also in his body. The doctors, when he regained consciousness, allowed the police authorities to interrogate him, although before that, with their relatives. They excluded Clifford from alcohol or drugs, to understand what had happened, stating that he was not even drinking during special events and less in drugs. He was a healthy man. Although in his version, he repeats until exhaustion that he had gone to hell and had come back …

This night

According to several nurses and ward badistants at the hospital, they began to hear the man's cries of despair at the hospital, accompanied by blows to the wall and heart-rending and agonizing sounds. . So, when the doctors and nurses entered Clifford's room, they found him scared but screaming like crazy, with his eyes seeming to come out of their sockets. He moved so much and his screams were so unbelievable that to be able to inject him with a sedative, it was necessary to seize him among several. And even then, it was not a simple task.

What was Clifford Hoyt screaming? Crying inconsolably, he repeated that all the while he had been in hell himself. But not only that: he claimed to have suffered innumerable tortures and humiliations, while unimaginable arms pursued him all the time, in the midst of a climate mingled with fire, sulfur odors but also of rot, while a chorus of complaints screwed the brain.

Even though Clifford Hoyt cried all the time, his manner of speaking and his words showed a marked consistency, so vivid and credible, that they did not believe him only, but they also affirmed that he did not seem delusional or seemed to have been affected by the drugs. they had prescribed him ..

High, half

Despite this incredible night, the man, reserved, came to repeat the story to some doctors and, over the days, began to conquer the wounds without ever agreeing to be treated by a psychotherapist, primarily because his story was maintained. but he rejected any type of treatment and less of a psychiatric nature. Once his injuries allowed him to travel, Clifford Hoyt was able to return, not without some difficulties, to his discreet apartment that he had rented.

Over the days, his neighbors began to stay with the owner of the building, because in the apartment, Clifford had rented music all day and even all night. Before such complaints, the owner of the building decided to act and the same evening he went to Clifford's apartment to talk to him in front of him and ask him to stop the noise.

However, the owner, repeatedly calling the door and receiving no response to his incessant blows, decided to enter with the master key that any owner owns because he thought that if the music was so high, he might not hear it. . Never imagined then what I would see moments later, because after having transposed a messy room, where the music came from a team to all that it gave, would be in a room next to Clifford Hoyt, lucid but lying on the floor, hugging Ice bar The room looked like a pigsty full of excrement. The owner took pictures of the place to give it to the police, which he immediately called.

The first words exchanged with Clifford surprised the owner because, half naked, he said that the music was at its maximum, so that the demons of hell would remove more and that it would was only then that he could move them away. And on the ice bar, which was gradually consumed, hugged her because she could not stand the heat.

After that, after the police authorities interrogated her and found her loved ones, they were forced to intern her at a Maryland psychiatric center. The doctors claimed that his behavior was due to the brain damage he had suffered during the accident, but Clyfford, until the last time he was seen, repeated without being mistaken or confused, that the demons were still pursuing him.

Although some say that Clifford pbaded away a few weeks later, others say that his loved ones have decided to change places, that he still lives today and that he keeps repeating over and over again. the same thing. However, the data below is the most surprising and discouraging: in the newspaper Baltimore Sun, from Maryland, heard the news of an accident on the same road in 1999. At this tragic event, two people died, one of whom was named Clifford Hoyt, who, at the time of his death, was 17 years old. Fault? Fraud? If the story is done correctly, said young man would be 31 years old, the same age as Clifford at the time of the accident. An act of resurrection, but who came back from hell himself? A round trip, framed at the same time, although very different from what is lived here? Or maybe just a mistake of the journalist of that time? What is certain is that there are many, too many coincidences. And the case has never been clarified, since Clifford Hoyt has been lost in the mists of time, let's know in what psychiatrist.

Frustrated dialogue with a psychiatrist

When Clifford Hoyt was evaluated by medical examiners, after being found almost naked and tight in the ice, weeks after overcoming a terrible accident that few people understand how he could recover, given the innumerable bruises and internal blows and Internal, In addition to breaks and tensions that have suffered, which slowly floated after several weeks. However, once released (he had never agreed to receive psychological and much less psychiatric care), his remarks were not only surprised by his way of telling what he was feeling and how much he was feeling. lived, so to speak, as elsewhere. in which he plausibly faced each of his answers. So much so that local media in Maryland managed to save the story of the psychiatrist who had collected a testimony. The therapist, who did not disclose his identity, stated that when Clifford Hoyt entered his office, he was still confident and determined in his statements, reiterating again and again what he felt and perceived have lived. . The coroner consulted him directly: "Do not you mind explaining the ice block Cliff?", to which Hoyt, sitting on the other side of the desk and making sure to balance the ice between his legs and never leaving, answered without much voice: "I burn". The policeman asked, as he was looking for more explanations. "Burning?" and immediately nodded and pressed the block of ice against his chest. "I'm still burning."

It was then that, as seen in the series, the therapist approached his chair to question and asked for details, to consult again: "Why are you burning Cliff?" But Hoyt, far from answering, seemed to make fun of me, looked at the gray tile of this windowless room and then began to turn around his head, as if trying to make a strange figure, and spoke again: "They burn, they will not leave me alone"he has answered. As he could not find any reasons, the doctor answered. "Cliff, will you tell me about your accident?" Do you remember what happened to you in December 1999? " asked the officer, to which Clifford, attentive to the ice bar that had begun to form a puddle of water between his legs, barely stammered: "I do not remember, I do not remember anything."

Then the psychiatrist summoned the sheriff Greggs Mason, who found it after the accident. "Do you remember?" he snapped, but Clifford spat the ground and then clarified. "I do not want to talk about that" While cleaning the spit, the doctor noticed a trickle of blood between Hoyt's saliva. "Do you remember something after the accident?"He asked, but Clifford shook his head again and said: "Heat … and burn like a steak (roast beef), or something like that", while he seemed to let go of the ice bar melting. Without losing patience, the therapist returned to the charge, seeking more here in time to reflect on Clifford's experience, by consulting him: "What happened after you woke up, Clifford?"but the man who claims to be back from hell has never lost the direction lead taken in his answers, stating that "I did not stop seeing them Black, faceless, they shouted at me and burned me with their pitchforks"he shouted, hooking himself to the ice block. It was then that the doctor, without much arguments, tried to move forward in the sequence and asked about the high volume of music, while he was already housed in his apartment and reminded him that "The owner of the building complains that you have kept loud music in your apartment all night long". But Clifford, who at that moment inexplicably hit the ice looking everywhere, like a child trying to keep a secret, replied laconically: "He kept them away, he helped me sleep at night".

After this investigation, Clifford Hoyt was badyzed by two other therapists at different times. Then in the afternoon and later at night, and although the first psychiatrist claimed to have seen "Something serious in his eyes", the other two, on the other hand, concluded that the brain damage caused by the car accident had clearly affected his psyche.

For this very reason, the medical board decided that he would be sent to the nearest Maryland psychiatric facility. And that's what happened. Even so, the first health professional said he felt "Like a knife stuck in my stomach." Before his transfer, I made several pbadages in his room.No visitor was allowed, but I stayed there, listening, in the next room.And then at night, I heard it.There was a laugh.A mixture between a laugh and a grunt that no man on this Earth could reproduce.But when I did Opened the door, Clifford was alone, still hanging on to another ice bar that had been given to him.That's why, even though I signed his transfer, I do not think since Clifford Hoyt was lying. .. ".


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