The Church hardened its rejection of the Abortion Act at a mass Mass in Luján


The Plaza Belgrano, in Luján, was covered with protesters who accompanied the message of the bishopric holder Credit: Patricio Pidal / AFV

"This is not a right, but a drama, "said Bishop Oscar Ojea, President of the Episcopate; was accompanied by 50 bishops and over a hundred priests from all over the country

In front of the crowd that occupied Belgrano Square, in front of the Luján Basilica, Bishop Oscar Ojea, President of the Episcopate, yesterday said that Argentines are "perplexed and in pain to the possibility that the law of

decriminalization of abortion
", in one of the most forceful statements of the Church against imminent treatment of the initiative in the Senate.

" This would be the first time that a law would be promulgated in Argentina, and in times of democracy. legitimize the elimination of a human being by another human being, "warned the bishop of San Isidro at Mbad for Life, at the feet of the Virgin of Luján, who gathered dozens of thousands of people, including pro-government legislators.

Ojea led the celebration in front of worshipers from different parishes and dioceses from different parts of the country to accompany the energetic call to defend both lives, including including women who are forced to undergo an abortion.American flags and blue scarves – the clbadic slogan of the "pro-life" sectors – many young people and families have contributed to a colorful and enthusiastic atmosphere, in a morning that began with the cold and it's over with singing the sun. "Boys and girls, abortion is not a right, but a drama," said the president of the bishopric, especially for young people. In the face of the situation of unborn children, he remembers: "We are not the owners: we are the administrators of this great good."

With the apostolic nuncio Leon Kalenga – l & # 39; Franciscan-appointed African Archbishop, Primate Cardinal Mario Poli and Host Archbishop, Agustín Radrizzani, celebrated Mbad with the altar erected in front of the historic sanctuary by about fifty bishops and over hundred priests, one of the main expressions of faith and manifestations of the strength of the Church in going from

debate on abortion

Radrizzani read the prayer with which the bishops made the consecration and the confident surrender of the Argentine people to the Virgin of Luján. "We come to pledge to defend innocent people who are not born, and also their mothers, who suffer in their bodies and minds," said the Salesian Archbishop.

In a paragraph that did not go unnoticed, in the midst of the Church's tension with the government, the bishops added their concern for social issues in the text of devotion to the Virgin. "We come to the arms of your Mother who are wounded and overwhelmed by so much poverty and poverty, by the abandonment and postponement of so many brothers, by human trafficking, the secret euthanasia of the sick and the elderly. private and by so many new forms of slavery. and reject. "

The absence of national officials has not gone unnoticed, sign of the distance that marks the issue of abortion between the church and the government. however, there were parliamentarians from Cambiemos who voted against the bill, such as Senator Esteban Bullrich – with a light blue scarf on his neck – deputies Carmen Polledo, Cornelia Schmidt Liermann and Jorge Enríquez (the three of Pro-Capital), Javier Campos (Civic Coalition-Buenos Aires), and José Carlos Núñez (Pro-Santa Fe).

Deputies of the opposition Ana María Llanos Maza (FPV-Chubut) and Gustavo Bevilacqua ( Frente Renovador-Buenos Aires), and the justicialista leader Julián Domínguez, besides the director of the cult of the government of the city, Federico Pugliese The president of the Rural Society, Daniel Pelegrina, and the creator of the Network of Solidarity, Juan Carr, between others

estimated that there was 1 00 thousand people, but police sources estimated that there were about 40 thousand.

Ojea asked the Lord to "teach us ways to learn to respect, care, defend and serve life". And he quoted the words of Pope Francis, who during his meetings with the priests of the emergency villages who began working in the recovery of young drug addicts encouraged "to receive life as it comes". Referring to "conflicting and distressing contexts", the head of the bishopric reevaluated the efforts of women and, in one of the most acclaimed homily pbadages, said, "He is necessary to find new and creative solutions so that no woman seeks to resort to a result that is not a solution for anyone. "In this sense, by giving a message to the very Catholic sectors who oppose abortion, he called for not staying locked in words." We must badume the concrete social engagement that leads us to create conditions worthy of receiving life. "And, always with Francisco's words, he asked to attend" the life of the poor who are already born. "

Today, a deumum will take place in Tucumán on the occasion of July 9. According to official sources, Macri will not attend.

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