The CIA has accused Huawei of being funded by Chinese intelligence services


The Central Intelligence Agency of the United States has criticized the company for receiving funds from the government National Security Commission of China, People's Liberation Army and third branch of the intelligence network of the Chinese State, the British newspaper reported, according to a source.

Earlier this year, the United States shared its demands with other members of the intelligence alliance. "Five eyes" including Great Britain, Australia, Canada and New Zealand, according to the report.

Huawei rejected the charges in a statement quoted by the newspaper.

"Huawei does not comment on unfounded allegations supported by zero evidence from anonymous sources", said a Huawei representative to the Times.

The company, the CIA and the Chinese Foreign Ministry did not respond immediately to requests for comment.

The accusation comes at a time of trade tensions between Washington and Beijing and amid concerns in the United States. that Huawei material could be used for espionage. The company said the concerns are unfounded.

US authorities investigate Huawei for alleged violations of sanctions.

Meng Wanzhou, Huawei's chief financial officer and daughter of its founder, Ren Zhengfei, was arrested in Canada in December at the request of the United States for bank fraud in violation of US sanctions against Iran.

She denies committing a crime and her father argued that the arrest was "politically motivated."


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