The clientless optics of the Doctores district have gone viral; SEDECO offered its support to the owner


The man received support from SEDECO (Photo: Tw @SedecoCDMX (
The man received support from SEDECO (Photo: Tw @SedecoCDMX (

Nowadays, the case of Don Silvano Bernal, a man who has a optician in Mexico, but to which no customer came. So in this situation the The Ministry of Economic Development (SEDECO) has decided to support it.

It all started with a tweet from @BrujadeSal who pointed out that he lived near the senior’s premises and noticed the situation he was in.

“I want to tell you something. I live next door to this optician, It is frequented by an elderly man who opens it every day at 9 a.m.. and it closes at 7:00 p.m. He has NO clients, he waits but it’s still empty, ”he said.

Likewise, he looked into the fact that if anyone needed this type of service, they could come to that place.

If anyone needs to adjust their mount or change a new one, take a look and visit this man. There is also the sun! The optician is in Dr. Velazco almost around the corner. with the Central Axis Lázaro Cárdenas. I plan to make flyers to hand out. But I wish Twitter could do its magic. “The young woman spoke.

The man received support from SEDECO (Photo: Tw @SedecoCDMX (
The man received support from SEDECO (Photo: Tw @SedecoCDMX (

After the post was published, the post quickly went viral and reached 16.3 thousand likes. In this direction, many users have shown their support and requested more information to visit the site.

Likewise, SEDECO wrote through its official account that on July 29, the staff of this institution came to visit Don Silvano, to support him in his affairs.

“For the attention of citizens, the staff of #SEDECO and @FondesoCDMX, visited Don Silvano Bernal, owner of the company“ Óptica Maya ”with more than 50 years of history in doctors It will join the supplier development program to increase the commercialization of its servicesCan we read on the official Twitter account of this organization.

He also added the contact details and location of the venue so that those interested can support the elderly and their business can thrive.

Because of all these actions, Internet users were enthusiastic and pointed out that this was a good initiative to help Don Silvano.

The man received support from SEDECO (Photo: Tw @SedecoCDMX (
The man received support from SEDECO (Photo: Tw @SedecoCDMX (

“Hey this ching * n. Around there I made little noise with this subject and so much the better. Also that they came, because there were already those who without knowing it were saying that it was not certified and I do not know what other mothers. Congratulations on playing and to the Lord you get a lot of customers“said @gilao_pumas.

It should be remembered that due to the economic contingency that the coronavirus pandemic has unleashed since last year in Mexico, dozens of people have been left out of work, so they have had to resort to a variety of credits to get started. their own OK.

In this sense, the government of Mexico has a variety of credits that have boosted the economy of the country as citizens ask for funding to start or keep their businesses afloat.

According to the government website that manages Claudia Sheinbaum, there are more than five credits which through the Mexico City Development Fund (Fondeso), can be chosen by the interested parties.

The amounts range from 3,000 to over 50,000 pesos, since it will depend on individual needs. In case of not knowing which one to choose, the City portal will offer a personal test to be able to choose.


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