The CNDH condemned the threats of the CJNG towards journalists and the media


The Jalisco Nueva Generación cartel threatened the media (Photo: Twitter @ Jalisciense1c)
The Jalisco Nueva Generación cartel threatened the media (Photo: Twitter @ Jalisciense1c)

At the dawn of August 9, 2021, a message from Jalisco new generation cartel with threats against journalists and national media.

It is because of the above that The National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) condemned the threats specific both against journalist Azucena Uresti and various nationally broadcast media, “which are related to inquiries or opinions expressed by communicators in said media”.

Through a press release, the agency assured that over the next few days it will be attentive to “actions taken by the institutions in charge of the administration of justice, aiming at their investigation, in order to find those responsible, that there is no impunity”.

In addition, they warned Mexican authorities that they must ensure the safety of communicators and the media under threat.

The CNDH condemned the CJNG's threats to journalists and the media (Photo: REUTERS / Alan Ortega)
The CNDH condemned the CJNG’s threats to journalists and the media (Photo: REUTERS / Alan Ortega)

In this context, they considered that some of the key links to reduce violence in the country are “preventing attacks on journalists, investigating crimes against them and punishing those who commit these crimes”.

The above, since “our democracy depends, to a large extent, on freedom of expression exercise freely and safely”.

In addition, they stressed that “freedom of expression is a fundamental right which enables the development of other rights. The tolerance of those of us who live together in this country, as well as the respect for the opinions of others, constitute fundamental elements for the consolidation of the democratic society to which we all aspire and we are committed to building ”.

Finally, they urged government decrees to undertake actions that promote, “within the framework of their powers, conditions that allow communicators to practice their profession without any restriction“And condemned any aggression against the journalists’ union.

In addition, they considered that it is the three orders of government that should promote the conditions for communicators and communicators to practice their profession (PHOTO: ESPECIAL /CUARTOSCURO.COM)
In addition, they considered that it is the three orders of government that should promote the conditions for communicators and communicators to practice their profession (PHOTO: ESPECIAL /CUARTOSCURO.COM)

For its part, the Presidency of the Republic promised on Monday to protect the integrity of journalists and the media after a threatening video allegedly by a spokesperson for Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes alias “Mencho”.

“In the face of threats to the media by the CJNG, the government of Mexico will take appropriate measures to protect journalists and media under threat. Democratic freedoms are guaranteed as well as the citizens’ right to information ”presidential spokesman Jesús Ramírez Cuevas said in a tweet.

The above, after the broadcast of a video in which suspected members of the drug trafficking gang launched various threats against various national newspapers and a well-known journalist.

In addition, they considered in the statement that the so-called vigilantes, given the type of weapons and the armor they make on their cars, could rather be gangs doomed to organized crime.

The Presidency of the Republic on Monday promised to ensure the integrity of journalists and the media (Photo: REUTERS / Alan Ortega)
The Presidency of the Republic on Monday promised to ensure the integrity of journalists and the media (Photo: REUTERS / Alan Ortega)

Finally, they assured that they had never uttered threats to the media before, but in this case they considered that there had been direct references.

The message, although delivered through a spokesperson, was made on behalf of Rubén Oseguera Cervantes, who runs one of the most wanted cartels in Mexico and the United States.


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Who is Azucena Uresti, the journalist threatened by the CJNG
Government announces action against CJNG over threats against journalist and media

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