The co-founder of Facebook says that it's time to separate the company


"We are a nation with a tradition of controlling the monopolies, as well-meaning as the leaders of these companies are, Mark's power is unprecedented and he is anti-American." Hughes wrote Thursday.

Facebook controls a social network more than 2,000 million users around the world. This is also owner of WhatsApp, Messenger and Instagrameach of which has About 1,000 million users.

Hughes co-founded Facebook in 2004 at Harvard University, with Zuckerberg – the current CEO of the company – and Dustin Moskovitz. He left the company in 2007 and later he said in a LinkedIn message that he had won $ 500,000 million for his three years working at the firm.

"It's been 15 years since I co-founded Facebook at Harvard and I have not worked for the company for a decade, but I have a sense of anger and responsibility," Hughes, who later became Barack Obama's strategist in electronic communications during his 2008 presidential campaign. Facebook did not respond immediately to requests for comments.

In one of the many scandals that have hit the company, Facebook is accused of inappropriately sharing the data of 87 million users with the now-defunct British consultancy firm Cambridge Analytica.

Hughes said that the last time he had met Zuckerberg, it was in the summer of 2017, several months before the scandal burst due to allegations of potential election manipulations. from Cambridge Analytica.

"Mark is a good and kind person, but I am sorry that his attachment to growth has led him to sacrifice security and civility in exchange for more clicks."he maintained. "And I'm worried Mark has surrounded himself with a team that reinforces that belief instead of challenging it," he added.

Hughes is not alone in the call to split Facebook. Some US lawmakers have called for stricter regulation of Internet privacy and anti-trust measures to create large technology companies.


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