The co-founder of WhatsApp called to eliminate Facebook


In a message to students from Stanford University (USA) Acton defended his decision to sell WhatsApp to Facebook, company that strongly criticized the way to monetize the advertising of its products.

Acton justified its decision to sell WhatsApp to Facebook because "it had 50 employees and I had to think of them and the money they would earn with this sale". And he badured that he "did not have total influence over the refusal of the transaction".

"The economic model of WhatsApp was: we offer you a service for a year in exchange for a dollar," Acton recalled: "This was not an extraordinary way to make money, but if you have a billion users, you will have an annual profit of a billion dollars. "

"This is not what Google and Facebook want, they want several million dollars" pointed out the co-founder of WhatsApp.

"To be brutally honest, open networks have to make an effort to decide what is a hate language and what is not," He considered Acton. "We give them the power, that's the bad part." And he concluded: "Delete Facebook, agree?"


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