The Colombian natives wanted to throw a statue of …


A group of Colombian natives of ethnic misak tried to demolish a statue of Christopher Colombus, located near El Dorado Airport, in Bogotá. The action was part of the marches and demonstrations convened on Wednesday by the National Unemployment Committee (CNP) after the failure of dialogue with the government of President Iván Duque.

“A group of indigenous communities tried to demolish the statue of Christopher Columbus on Avenida el Dorado. The police had to intervene to prevent them from overthrowing it,” the Bogota government secretariat reported on the incident. After the failed attempt, Mayor Claudia López invited the community of Misak to dialogue. He did so via Twitter.

Also, the misak they also tried to demolish a statue of Isabella I la Católica, the queen who financed the Columbus expedition in 1492, and is close to that of the navigator who discovered America. The events unfolded within the framework of the mobilizations convened in Bogotá following the political crisis unleashed in the country last month.

This morning there were protests and blockades in various areas of the city, which affected the transit of groups of the Transmilenio public transport system. There are 49 out-of-service stations, as this company reports. The protests have limited the movement of vehicles around Bogotá airport, according to what was reported by the authorities. 26 protest activities are planned in the city.

The crisis in Colombia began on April 28 due to a tax reform promoted by the government and which it subsequently had to withdraw. Far from stopping the protests, they have intensified with general demands against the policies of the Duque government and the crackdown by the security forces against the demonstrators.

The protests are unfolding on a daily basis with each day more intense than the next, after the CNP, the most visible organization behind the protests, halted negotiations it was conducting with the government a few days ago.

On Monday, the mission of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) arrived in the country to verify the human rights situation after the protests which lasted nearly 40 days and left more than 60 dead.


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