The complaint that nobody wants to investigate


"When he came out of the

Panama Papers

my husband paid them [Miguel Ángel] Plo and Judge Rodriguez a considerable sum of money, "said Carolina Pochetti, widow of Daniel Muñoz, in the cause of

notebooks of bribes

. Now, the cause for which it would be necessary to investigate if the federal judge Luis Rodríguez accused a millionaire bribe causes headaches in

Commodore Py

. Neither judges nor prosecutors understand the idea of ​​investigating a colleague.

The complaint to Rodriguez was raised by the judge

Claudio Bonadio

He arranged to extract Pochetti's testimonies so that they could be investigated in another case. As soon as these words were known, Rodríguez received further denunciations against him at the Judicial Council, where a summary was opened to investigate. At Commodore Py, the complaint still faces a difficult road.

When Bonadio sent the complaint to a draw, he fell on his own court. The magistrate withdrew and asked the Federal Chamber to conduct a new draw, but added a requirement: that his court be excluded from the ball.

The President of the Chamber, Martín Irurzun, granted him the wish. After the second draw, the complaint was brought before the court of Sebastián Casanello. But this judge rejected the instruction with two arguments: that Bonadio had already been validated by lottery (the first) and that it was also incumbent on the judge who approved the collaboration agreement to verify whether the statements of this statement were true. According to the law of the repentant, the judge or the prosecutor must, within a period not exceeding one year, confirm the verisimilitude and the utility, total or partial, of this information.

However, with the vote to a member of Leopoldo Bruglia, the Chamber validated the fact that Bonadio deviated from this case to "guarantee the principle of impartiality" and ratified Casanello.

Casanello delegated the investigation to his acting prosecutor, Eduardo Taiano. The decision was based on the fact that, according to the test applied by the Federal Chamber, where it is alleged that the public prosecutor's office is a single office, prosecutors can access the remorse files contained in the files of other causes.

But Casanello can not access the folder of notebooks or repentant statements because, to date, Bonadio has not shared them.

Now the discussion has shifted to prosecutors' field. Taiano said that it was not his responsibility to investigate Pochetti's statements, and that if Bonadio had apologized, it was up to the prosecutor in charge of Bonadio: Gerardo Pollicita .

Pochetti's statement is not the only element to be evaluated in this complaint. As he knew
THE NATION, accountant Víctor Manzanares also reported that Rodríguez reportedly paid a million-dollar bribe to Muñoz.

At the present time, no one has ordered Rodriguez to be interrogated, although prosecutor Stornelli reportedly asked to open an investigation into the notebooks file, before this testimonial extraction would occur.

It is also a judge whose links with the world of espionage are known. Rodríguez is adviser to the auditor of the AGN and the historical judicial operator Javier Fernández, as well as ex-spy Jaime Stiuso.

Both had high doses of power and influence over the federal courts during Kirchnerism and remnants of that power still circulate in the corridors of Comodoro Py. "Everyone owes something to Fernandez," summed up a judicial source. Another completed the scenario: "Nobody likes to investigate a colleague, as tormented as he is."


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