The concert and the grants have complete hotels


The concert Venezuela Aid Live and the arrival of help on the Tienditas bridge They attracted the attention of international and national media, diplomats and NGOs.

This media scenario has benefited the economy of the Cúcuta metropolitan areaespecially hotels, whose occupancy has increased for two weeks.

According to the Colombian Association of Hotels and Tourism (Cotelco), in 2018, the occupancy rate of hotels in the city was 45%, representing a six percentage point growth compared to 2017 (39%).

Read also Venezuela Page Aid Live, the only way to receive donations

The new hotels, which are part of major international chains, have been the most advantaged with the announcement of the event.

Ada Paredes, Director of Hampton by Hilton, He said that until Sunday, the 96 rooms of the hotel will be occupied.

"We had three weeks of high occupation, we received diplomats, officials of the national and US governments and their security systems," he said.

The same thing said Hugo Santos, director of the Holiday Inn and Carlos Andrés Gómez, Ibis manager, whose hotels will be full all week.

Sandra Mendoza, director of Cotelco, Norte de Santander section, said some smaller hotels would also benefit as they would receive groups of Venezuelans to attend the concert.

Ivan Rodríguez, director of Luxor, He said that the occupation is 60%, "mainly they are hosted oenegés".

Traditional hotels such as the International Casino, Arizona and Casa Blanca are also very popular. According to Alexander Trujillo, director of the International Casino, the occupation has been high since December, as Venezuelan citizens had to travel to Cúcuta to meet with their relatives living in the interior of the country.

According to Cotelco's figures, in December, the percentage of foreign tourists in Norte de Santander was 42%, a significant increase compared to 28% in 2017.


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