The conflict between the United States and Iran has reached a critical point


In 2015, Iran agreed to limit its nuclear program by subjecting itself to severe sanctions imposed by the countries concerned that were developing an atomic bomb. In the past year, Iran has complied with the restrictions despite the decision of the President of the United States, Donald Trump, to withdraw from the agreement and to reimpose US sanctions. Iran is now threatening to break this historic agreement by exceeding the low-grade uranium reserve limit, unless Europe takes steps to ease the pressure of the stringent sanctions imposed by the United States. . The tension continues to rise in the region as Trump blames Iran for two attacks on oil tankers in the Persian Gulf.

1. What caused the decisions of Iran?

USA It intensified its economic pressure on Iran in early May by allowing exemptions allowing eight governments to buy Iranian oil. The Trump administration aims to reduce Iran's oil exports to zero, which account for nearly half of the country's sales abroad.

The Iranian economy has already entered recession due to US sanctions and the International Monetary Fund is forecasting a contraction of 6% this year, after 4% last year. This slowdown is a shame for President Hbadan Rouhani, who defended the nuclear deal as a way to end Iran 's isolation and reactivate its economy.

2. Does the relationship include uranium enrichment and the economy?

Nothing, directly. Iran is pushing for an enrichment in order to put pressure on the European parties to the nuclear deal to take action and mitigate the effects of US sanctions. France, Germany, the United Kingdom and the European Union share the wish to limit Iran's nuclear activities and to do so through dialogue.

In addition, Iran believes that the limitations of its nuclear program restrict its sovereign rights, even though it has always denied having the intention to develop a nuclear weapon. He was willing to accept the restrictions in exchange for relief from the sanctions, but the Iranians felt cheated when the United States withdrew it.

3. How does the US avoid? that others trade with Iran?

As with other sanctions campaigns, the American lever It depends on the central role played by US banks and the dollar in the global economy. Any country, company or bank that violates the terms of US sanctions. Your US holdings may be blocked or lose the ability to transfer money through US accounts. In essence, the Trump government has bet that countries, banks, and businesses around the world prefer doing business with the United States. that with Iran. In reality, this bet proved to be correct since the main European companies remained distant.

4. What do European countries propose in this respect?

European signatories have developed a special mechanism to facilitate trade with Iran, which would prevent a global financial system largely dominated by the United States. The idea is essentially to use a barter system in which Iran would accumulate credits for its exports to Europe, which it could then use to buy products from European companies. But Instex, as the vehicle is known, would probably offer only limited relief.

Irritated, Iran threatened to overtake the June 27 agreement on low-grade uranium reserves and increase the purity of enrichment beyond the limit of 3.67% to prevent the government from manufacturing weapons-compatible equipment. unless Europe gives it an economic lifeline.

5. What harm does the United States accuse? in Iran?

The relationship between the United States and Iran was already at a low point when US officials said Iran was behind two June 13 attacks on oil tankers near the Gulf gate , then posted a video showing Tehran 's participation in the explosion of one of mine that hit one of the boats. Iran denied his participation and, in addition to the confusion, the owner of the ship in the video refuted the US claim. that the explosion was coming from a mine.

This happened after the United States he accelerated the deployment of an aircraft carrier, sent bombers into the Persian Gulf and withdrew some diplomats from Iraq in May after indicating that the information revealed a growing threat to US forces or the commercial transportation of Iran or Allied forces. The Saudis have also blamed Iran for drone strikes on two Saudi pumping stations located along a pipeline across the country.

6. What are the stakes of the conflict?

The stability of the Middle East. European officials have often mentioned their inability to prevent the US President George W. Bush's government from starting the war in Iraq in 2003 as a key reason for trying to save the deal with Iran. USA and Iran is still far from declaring a mutual war.

Leaders of both countries said that they did not want a war, but Trump warned that if Iran "wanted to fight, it would be the official end of Iran" . The commander of the powerful Iran Revolutionary Guards said his country was not looking for a war but that he was not afraid of a clash.


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