The consternation of Juan Guaidó in front of the position of Italy on Venezuela


The Italian populist leaders have finally reached an agreement after being fought for the Venezuelan crisis, asking for new presidential electionsbut without being able to recognize the President of the National Assembly, Juan Guaidó, as president in charge.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Italy, Enzo Moavero Milanesi, He informed the lower house of the position of the Rome administration shortly after the two partners in the coalition, the League of the Right and the 5-star Movement (M5S) against the traditional political system, were successful to a compromise.

"The government believes that the last presidential elections did not award democratic legitimacy to the winner, that is to say Nicolás Maduro," Moovero Milanesi told lawmakers. "The Italian government demands new democratic presidential elections in Venezuela as soon as possible".

"The government believes that the last presidential elections did not attribute democratic legitimacy to the winner, that is to say Nicolás Maduro"

"The situation is complex, we must prevent new acts of violence and it is important to promote dialogue, if possible national reconciliation," said Moavero Milanesi.

Unlike other European countries such as Germany, France and the United Kingdom, the The Italian government has not recognized Guaidó as president in charge. La Liga, the political party of Vice President Matteo Salvini, has sided with Guaidó to hold new elections, while Deputy Prime Minister Luigi Di Maio of the M5S has refused to recognize Maduro or Guaidó.

Guaidó had sent an open letter to the Italian people to express their consternation to the populist government division and to ask for support from Rome, Corriere della Sera reported on Tuesday.

"With deep consternation, we do not understand the reasons for the Italian political position," reported Corriere, citing Guaidó's letter. "I am sure the Italians are on our side, of democracy and justice," he said.

"With deep consternation, we do not understand the reasons for the Italian political position," reported Corriere, citing Guaidó's letter.

A delegation sent by Guaidó to Rome on Monday met with Salvini and officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The delegation included Francisco Sucre, who heads the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly, and Rodrigo Diamanti, his representative in Europe for humanitarian aid.


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