The consul of Bolivia crossed fort Gerardo Morales


Morales complained to Evo Morales of the "inhuman treatment" that the Argentineans undergo in Bolivia and they answered him without question.

January 31, 2019

Nelson Guarachi Mamani, the consul of Bolivia to Jujuy, he went through with the governor Gerardo Morales for his statements on the Bolivian government

Morales complained of Evo Morales by the so-called "inhuman treatment" that the Argentineans undergo in Bolivia, especially in the field of health, and Mamani replied, "Governor Morales wants to derive a political income from the accident that an Argentine citizen has suffered. "

In statements to Announced Chroniclefor Destape Radio, He said: "It would have been very good Governor Morales will contact us for hospital care, beyond the desire to obtain political income ".

"It is normal that Morales wants to take advantage of it during an election year, we were informed of the case by the media, Governor Morales did not contact us"he explained.

He also added: "In Bolivia, there is compulsory transit insurance, we are investigating the case of Argentina who wanted to incarcerate at the hospital.


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