The controversial book that says the Vatican is "the largest gay community in the world"


Sodom: power and scandal in the Vatican, by Frederic Martel, French writer and journalist.

Although there is still a week in 20 countries and in eight languages, the book "Sodom: power and scandal in the world"

Vatican "

, the sociologist
The Frenchman Frédéric Martel is already feeling a sensation in the Holy See after the author claimed that 80% of priests had homobadual relations.

In an advance published by the Italian newspaper,
The Republic
, you can read: "The Vatican has one of the largest homobadual communities in the world." To retain this data, the journalist said that he had done research for four years and consulted about 1,500 sources, including priests from different countries and different ranks of the Catholic Church.

The text, 500 pages, begins with the reproduction of a speech between the

dad Francisco

and the ex-priest Francesco Lepore, who communicated with the holy father to communicate him "his homobadual priest's story" and to whom the pontiff thanked his courage, but told him that he did not know what he could do to help him.

"To stay in the Vatican, it is best to respect a code, the" dead in the closet ", which is to tolerate the homobaduality of priests and bishops, if necessary, while enjoying, while keeping the secret: the Tolerance goes hand in hand with discretion and, as Al Pacino says in The Godfather, one must never criticize or leave the family itself, "said the French, a well-known gay activist.

Throughout the pages, he also highlights the rivalry between the ultraconservative wing of the Vatican and Francisco, whom he considers a pope more open to homobaduals than his predecessors.

The sources he interviewed in person, he said, came from thirty countries, including 41 cardinals, 52 bishops and monsignors. In addition, 45 apostolic nuncios and foreign ambbadadors and more than 200 priests and seminarians.


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