The Cordoba pact, the silence of Carrió and the Olivos table under a magnifying glass – 24/03/2019


Macri risks the photo with Schiaretti, who agreed with Cristina

The rest offered by the visit of the Spanish monarch contains, under the tinsel of dinners, treats and delicacies of the language, stupid portraits that will make sense to dispel doubts about the uncertain political landscape. For example, Appearance of Mauricio Macri Wednesday with Juan Schiaretti, at the Language Congress. Do not risk a lot, say it in a fun way and with a sense of opportunity; just a couple of kings for the Bourbon company.

It's a test of encouragement, because Schiaretti has reached an agreement with Cristina Kirchner for the moment this puts an end to a cycle of years during which the Peronist movement of Córdoba had elevated that province to the rank of national capital of the alfajor and anti-kirnerism. This agreement, as well as the recourse to the splitting of electoral dates, separated the Peronist of Córdoba from the fate of national Peronism, and with whom Macri prospered, he owes this badtail his presidency.

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On the eve of the re-election attempt, Schiaretti burns codes and surely opens others. The days to come will bring more clarity, for example by verifying the veracity of those who think that Schiaretti will not be a presidential candidate for health reasons. The affirmation is repeated by all who watch her see and walk, with the gestures of a candidate, it is unclear whether everything, or that the government. Like Cristina, bet to be createdand the last thing to do with a politician is to listen to what he says. You have to watch what you do.

If Schiaretti is re-elected governor, nothing indicates that he does not win a presidential post. He is the Peronist with the most power, has a big neighborhood and makes alliances with those who have never been before, like Cristina. It's not for the use, let's say a name, of Roberto Lavagna, the most prestigious Peronoid. If they were not so difficult, they should be considered as a formula.

Rarities of Cordoba, from Perón to Camaño

According to the opinion of Juan Perón in 1954, "It's in Cordoba that the strangest things are happening without a doubt". Graciela Camaño adds a theory that, given the complexity, size and thickness of the political clbad of this province, its local space is insufficient and it still has two wings of projection, towards inside and outside. This compromises Peronism and also radicalism. This double projection was made by Schiaretti with José Manuel de la Sota. After this one, the end of the Cordovanist cycle, the alliance with Cristina and, who knows, a national candidacy of the "Gringo" can be explained.

We should ask Duhalde or Lavagna, but the first went to Puigari to recover from a relapse of his back pain. The second party this Sunday in autumn, with mute, his 77th birthday in his farm of Cañuelas. This usually dampens the celebrations because the date (March 24) has disturbing connotations that discourage any effusion.

They try to measure how much the campaign in Córdoba can be national

The small table of Olivos awaits this week informed opinions on the team of Durán Barba, who, according to observers of this case, keeps coming (he will say he never left) to design risky strategies in muddy places. For example, Córdoba. The dilemma for all who play it is the level of nationalization supported by the election of the governor. Humberto Schiavoni, President of the PRO, He discreetly plunged into this province Monday to make a useful report to strategists.

He was with people of his party and evaded the radical caciques Mario Negri and Ramón Mestre, but he had to warn that one of his letters to support his fight of the 3 -UCR- list, is that Negri the supports the National Government He even said that the table Olivos, with Marcos Peña in the lead, they had wanted to buy his will to go down. It is true that Negri is in direct line with the official dome and offers offers of support from national stars such as Maria Eugenia Vidal. But you must measure the risk that you can present for your proposal if you are too much attached to Buenos Aires. It is part of the local countryside and will come this Tuesday in Buenos Aires to attend the dinner that the King of Spain will give to Macri at the Four Seasons Hotel.

Turbulence at the Patria Institute

The dilemma of campaign cordobanism is also being studied by the Instituto Patria, which managed to get off According to the slogan sent Friday by Cristina de Kirchner, the candidate of Cristinista, Pablo Carro, just arrived from Cuba, was the subject of a closed competition. It cost the Christians of Cordoba to agree to give support to Schiaretti, to whom they have always opposedbecause, with José Manuel de la Sota, they built Cordoba between 2003 and 2015 as the national capital of antichirnism

The internal brawl was crushed by Carro Vice candidate Cecilia Merchán, who belongs to Juan Grabois' Patria Grande front. "Checha", which today has a bank in Parlasur gas, convinced the militancy that Cristina asked for the unityand that today's slogan is to defeat Cambiemos in the provinces as a prelude to the national campaign of her candidate. Indirectly, the message of the Patria Institute was the confirmation, for those who doubted, that Cristina would be a candidate. Felipe Solá or Daniel Scioli will not charge for these transactions later. Now, it is Schiaretti who must measure the level of nationalization supported by his candidacy, because the Peronism of Cordoba will impute this photo with Cristina. This is the most brutal approach, after indirect approaches to bring together all Peronism. That's what was always going to happen, despite the speculation of the opinion on cabotage.

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The starting point for this approach was when Schiaretti placed the vote in the basket of all Peronism, to stay with a president of the Judicial Council. This party was lost by the radical Negri and the press of this pact was appointed deputy advisor to the deputy Martín Llaryora, who is now a candidate for mayor of the provincial capital. This recognition of the unity plan of Peronism activates the artillery of Elisa Carrió, who will participate in the campaign for Negri after Easter. Exploit this gap that leaves between the Peronists: the end of Cordoba as anti-K capital.

Carrió is waiting for the answer on the pact books

Carrió, as we are close to her, the silence is now called to await a response from the government to the very serious complaint that she made during the week about an agreement between the Opposition and a government sector, so that the cause of the notebooks falls by the nullity in the process. The tool is the harbadment of Carlos Stornelli, so he leaves the file and that everything ends with the businessmen fouled by Sergeant Centeno, during an abbreviated trial and perhaps the payment of a fine.

Carrió encouraged supermards with this denunciation, in a original recognition to four women of his team, which he presented as a gesture of doubling the bet against the harbadment suffered. It is about Mariana Zuvic, Mariana Stilman, Monica Frade and Paula Oliveto. It was early in the school year of the Hannah Arendt Institute, which was small by the number of participants. So much that the act had to be repeated twice, as in the theaters, so that all supporters of Carrió participated. This afternoon, a real super Tuesday, there was – a few minutes of difference – an opening act of the judicial year with the message of Carlos Rosenkrantz: snubbed and was snubbed by federal judges He sent them to the pullman in the room, behind everything, and only three of them were shown.

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This Tuesday also, the economist Pablo Gerchunoff received in the Senate a multiparty recognition, which gave a lecture on the political economy, original and profound, on the growth and failure of the policy, that It will have to be examined several times (this is in the video of the House). At this hour Carrió has gathered hundreds of its activists at the Arendt Institute. He was astonished by the government 's lack of response to his complaint and the lack of press reports by the usual government spokespersons. Carrió immediately asked her critics to look for her and not her team. "Come for me," he exclaimed. "We are attacked because of the truth," he said. "First truth: they want to remove the prosecutor Stornelli to obtain an abbreviated trial and with fines for the country's leading businessmen. And I do not rule out that one area of ​​government is in the same state. "He criticized the authorization given to Cristina de Kirchner to go to Cuba and sent another arrow to the opposition:"Cristina leaves and Lavagna appears. And Lavagna is Duhalde. It's the same impunity"

With your eyes on the court, from time to time

This message to Olivos, who followed the adjective "fool" that he launched against Germán Garavano, regarded him as a faithful lightning rod as a spot on the spotted tiger. This also happens after Mauricio Macri informed Congress that the crisis in his government was due to capital outflow, the 2018 drought and … the cause of the notebooks. Would you have preferred that it does not exist? It sometimes seems that Macri does not notice the deep and Freudian meaning of what he says in public. This makes Carrió believe that there are not many people who defend the cause of notebooks within their own government.

But the agenda of Carrio is not that of Garavano, nor that of the judicial commission with which it maintains the best relations. Your goal is the Court, and advance on this palace with two wings: one is the harbadment of Ricardo Lorenzetti. He has been asking for indictment for some time and hopes that some votes from Christian Peronism will be used to advance this year. The line of Peronism with justice is the end, and it will not be long for them to also charge the former President of the Court. On this claim, Carrió shares his shares with Garavano and Macri, but has no answer. They respond with the reason of the state.

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The other branch of attack is the female quota bill in justice, which Congress will review in the coming weeks. It's a ram on judicial reform, but look at the Court, which should have at least two women membersas soon as vacancies appear. Carrió said that he would never agree to go to court, which other governments offered him while he was discharging his political task. At the end of this year, he plans to retire without charge for professional and political work. He did not say what he would do if the offer was presented to him while he was in the plain.

What puts the table Olivos in danger

After the decisions of the Court that prevented the re-elections in Rio Negro and La Rioja, discussions on the capacity of the table Olivos to prevent disasters have resumed. They come since the accident of Cordoba. There is a predictable end in the provincial order – of which Juan Schiaretti retains the mandate of governor – can drag control of the provincial capital. In Rio Negro, he was linked to the wicked fate of Alberto Weretilneck.

This same critical view is the one that criticized Olivos last year for not including in the package of agreements for the budget and the new fiscal consensus with the governors, President of Negri at the Judicial Council. Interior and economic officials discussed in the party next to the place where they counted the votes of the decision of the judicial body. Has anyone thought of looking at the big picture and putting all the chips on the same board? Not to mention that this role in the Rio Negro round adds acidity to relations between Cambiemos partners. That of La Rioja is neutral. There are also stars of the party right who have acted, like Gil Lavedra, but the end may finally help fellow Julio Martinez more than local Peronism.

For those who take the balance, you can tell – if all ends well – that the Olivos doll has ended in a time of radical governments in Rio Negro – only interrupted by the 20 days of Carlos Soria at government – and an era of Peronist administrations in La Rioja. Or did Cambiemos not come to produce historical turning points?

Cold in Olivos, only the new Congress counts

On these records, the talks within the ruling party and the opposition are exhausted. Government Strategists they look coldly at their own investigations and those of othersbecause none of them conveys much optimism. This cold approaching sweetness when Marcos Peña is at the table, who repeats that it all depends on what's happening with the economy in the next 45 days, and you must believe Nicolás Dujovne when he says that everything will be better. At these meetings, the election results are suspended and we discuss what will follow, win or lose.

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On Thursday, Peña piled files to badyze the fate of change in the legislature, with Schiavoni, Francisco Quintana and Federico de Andreis, whose mission is to look at everything, talk little, then tell who has to say everything. ;he heard. . The conclusion is that, separating the extravagant cases of Córdoba (where there is no change) and the capital (where you can get it in October), PRO and UCR have a chance to win places. There are provinces like Misiones, Santiago del Estero, Neuquén or Río Negro where the ruling party has no representative, but can now add deputies or senators. This improvement will be used for any result, win or lose Macri. But better not to talk.



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