The coronavirus pandemic continues to grow throughout …


The World Health Organization (WHO) warned on Monday that the coronavirus pandemic continues to intensify around the world and pointed out that infections increased for the ninth consecutive week, while deaths increased for the sixth consecutive week.

“I am happy to see slight declines in Covid-19 cases in various regions, but many countries still experience high transmission, such as India, where the situation is discouraging, ”WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said at Monday’s regular press conference.

Tedros pointed out that the United Nations body they are doing “everything” to face the pandemic, from donating supplies to hospitals and laboratories to making personnel available to carry out research and prevention tasks.

At the same time, he referred to the situation India is going through due to the pandemic and called it “more than heartbreaking”: The Asian giant recorded, for the fifth consecutive day, a world record with more than 350,000 infections in a single day. A prospect aggravated by the appearance of the new variant in the country.

“WHO has deployed more than 2,600 people to support the response on the ground, to support surveillance activities, technical advice and immunization efforts,” said the WHO official.


In parallel, and on the occasion of World Immunization Week, Tedros recalled that vaccines allow societies “to move forward” and, in the case of the covid-19 pandemic, to move closer to the end of the health crisis.

“Vaccines will help us end the coronavirus pandemic, but only if we ensure equitable access for all countries and build robust systems to manage them,” he said.

“If we are to avoid multiple outbreaks of deadly diseases such as measles, yellow fever and diphtheria, we must ensure that routine immunization services are protected in all countries of the world,” he added. .


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