The cost of freight transport increased by 16% in the first half of the year in Argentina


The cost of road freight transport increased by 15.8% in the first half of the year in Argentina. He was informed by the Argentine Federation of Cargo Autotransport Business Entities (FADEEAC) through the cost index.

"The stability and competitiveness of the sector are tied by a thread" warned the entity in a statement. In June, the increase was 3.82%. And in the last twelve months, it stands at 34.3%.

  Variables that increased the most and the least in 2018.
Variables that rose more and more in 2018.

The main causes of cost increases, according to FADEEAC, is weight devaluation and fuel increase . In the first half, diesel increased by 16.7%. Since the deregulation of the hydrocarbon market in October 2017, 33.7%.

However, fuel is one of the variables badyzed that has progressed the least. Those who increased the most between January and June were lubricants (42%) rolling stock (32.2%), patents / rates (30.7%), tires (30.2%) and the toll (26%).

  The price of fuel compared to the total index of 2015 up to here.
The price of fuel compared to the total index of 2015 up to here.

The slightest increase in the sector in the first half, based on the FADEEAC cost index, is the personnel expense of transport companies: only 5%.

What will happen next? "Strong cost adjustments are expected in the transportation and logistics chain as a whole for the second half of the year, so inflation is forecast for 2018. well above the recorded in 2017 (24%) ", entity forecasts.

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