The Council approves each week between ten and twelve infringements of the code of urbanism


The chairman of the Planning Commission of the municipal council, Fernanda Gigliani, denounced in her body "is a currency" the approval of transgressions to the code of urban construction and revealed that, per week, are between ten and Twelve orders regularized by the payment of a fine.

Regarding the case of the building of France at 200, which was made public today The capitalGigliani demands that the standard be respected and that what was built outside the limits of municipal regulations be demolished.

Gigliani has questioned promoters who do not respect the ordinances in force and build without respecting the rules, the municipality not to control the works and their peers for having changed the rules of the game.

"In terms of using fined money for a good deed, the end is allowed to justify the means, that everyone does what he wants, transgress the rules, that the equation is dangerous, "he said in statements to the program. "Zysman 830" of The eight.

"The reality is that we vote every day for many transgressions, authorizations and regularizations.It is in this last stage that the Council is like a desk or a table of parallel entrance, even when the Municipality says no, it is address to the Council as it knows that they have approval or votes to regularize transgressions, "detailed Gigliani.

Gigliani insisted that if you do not fulfill your obligations, you must change the rules in force. "If we start demanding demolition outside the regulatory framework, it will be disciplined for the future, but unfortunately, today, the idea is that everything that goes into the Council is published, and that is what it is. Is dangerous, "he explained.

"There are ten or twelve regularizations of transgressions of the urban code that are approved per week," said the People's Initiative edila, and, in the case of France to 200 people, explained: "It has been treated like so many others who come daily to the planning commission that are exceptions to the urban code that are usually to exceed authorized heights ".

"In order to use the money of the fine for a good action, the end is allowed to justify the means and everyone does what he wants"

"In this case, I said that it was appropriate to apply the building regulations that offer the possibility of a demolition, but that if we are any day disciplinary, it is likely that some promoters avoid violating the rules. rules, but did not get the necessary number of votes, "he said.

>> Read more: He built more than what is allowed and they ask him to give it to the state

He also said: "He went to the police station with the votes to regularize the transgression in exchange for a pecuniary penalty, but in the Ciudad Futura police station he made a proposal that could not be discussed there and that is why he went back to the committee to evaluate this request to accept that one unit be used in turn for victims of gender violence. "

Finally, he remembered the file of a building located in front of the neighborhood. "It was the last case in which, by applying the regulations, the ground that had been built had been demolished, I do not know it but I always say that it must be stupid to see that many exceptions are approved here, each week, and that's no longer applied. "


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