The country where it is legal to miss six months of work to care for a family member, study or start a business – 08/04/2019


Sweden is one of the pioneering and most innovative countries in Europe as regards economic and labor measures. If, a year ago, the ECB was cautiously considering that this situation would become a nation without money, now means like BBC focus on a measurement of work that it's been decades to give a six-month license to every full-time worker This is guaranteed by law.

In Sweden, you can ask for six months with pay to study.

In Sweden, you can ask for six months with pay to study.

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How does this permit work and what are its requirements? Over the last two decades, full-time and fixed-term workers in Sweden have the right to apply for this six-month license for different purposes: create a new business, study or take care of a family member. A right that the employer can only deny if it demonstrates critical business reasons that can not be resolved by the presence of the employee.

In Sweden, you can apply for six months with pay to start a business.

In Sweden, you can apply for six months with pay to start a business.

Once the permit is completed, the worker returns to his position with the conditions under which he left. The novelty is that many of the Swedish citizens who use this permit do so. "This is the only country that offers a right enshrined in law to the absent from work to start a businessexplains Ingram Bogusz, a researcher in entrepreneurship and information systems at the Stockholm School of Economics.

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This is behind the rapid growth of emerging companies in Sweden, a country with 10 million inhabitants this, however, already has an important infrastructure of some of the most advanced companies in Europe, especially in terms of new technologies.

In Sweden, you can ask for six months with pay to look after a family member.

In Sweden, you can ask for six months with pay to look after a family member.

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The number of workers aged 25 to 54 who take this leave to start has increased over the years and already in 2017 It was 175,000 people. That year, the Bolagsverket, the Swedish business registration office, created 48,542 registered limited partnerships, compared with 27,994 in 2007.

20 minutes.



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