The country where to walk his dog is a dilemma – 31/01/2019


Although according to Islam the dog is an impure animal, It became common to see citizens in some parts of Tehran, Iran, to walk their animals on the street, a custom that the authorities now want to end.

Tehran police chief, Hosein Rahimi, announced this week that he had obtained permission from the prosecutor's office of the capital to "take measures against people who walk their dogs in public places like parks. "

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Rahimí justified, in statements to the official media, that dogs they scared for some pedestrians and that public spaces "are not the place" for these animals.

They will not allow eitherl dog transportation by car, according to the Tehran police chief, who pointed out that they would monitor and act "seriously" to prevent the violation of these rules.

The dog, best friend of the man for some and impure animal for others, The Iranian authorities have always despised him, as happens in other Islamic countries of the region.

It is an "essential nayes" for Islam, it is something dirty whose contact leaves the Muslim in a state of impurity preventing him from performing his religious rites.

Mainly Sweat, saliva and dog hair it is they who "dirty" people and make the phrase "not valid", according to the supreme leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei.

The late Ayatollah Ruholá Khomeini, founder of the Islamic Republic, said that even in the 1980s, if "the ground is trampled or pissed by a dog", it is used later for construction, this building is not more pure.

For this reason, although no specific law prohibits it, it is generally not common to have a dog as a pet in Iran and, above all, to walk in public places.

A Shih Tzu, on the terrace

A copy of the shih tzu./ Archive

A copy of the shih tzu./ Archive

This is the case of Maral, an architect from Tehran, who only comes out of the breed of his dog Nabat, five years old. Shih Tzu, the patio and the terrace of your house avoid conflicts.

"For fear, I do not take him to the street because I think some neighbors may disturb him or even that the police can remove him by saying that I do not have the right to the walk, "lamented Maral.

This 30-year-old girl explained that until now, no law forbade it, but since in practice you might have problems she never wanted to "risk life" of Nabat ".

With the recent announcement of the police, Maral felt that the situation would worsen and that the restrictions would apply in a "more severe" way.

Dog owners in Tehran are mainly middle and high clbad north of the capital, which have followed in recent years Western fashion have pets.

One of them, a computer scientist named Behrang, said that during the past four years he had taken his Tiger dog to the street or to a park near his home all the nights.

Behran pointed out that he had never had any problems with the police, nor when he was walking his dog with a collar or when he was carrying it loose in the car, but he Note the rejection of some people.

"Sometimes, when I walk my dog, there are people who walk or cross the street, which makes me uncomfortable because it is not my intention to disturb other neighbors", he added.

Problems with neighbors have led some people to leave their dog in one of the few established shelters, which mostly accommodate stray dogs in very poor condition and are crammed amid the negligence of the authorities.

To support the new regulations, a video of the semi-official Fars agency pointed out that in other countries, there are also some restrictions regarding dogs and showed the image of a cannon bites a child in the Lavazan area, northeast of Tehran.

Netizens used this example to sharpen their knives. One of the jokes on social networks indicated that "with the excuse that a dog was biting a person, they forbade him from walking around public places or taking them in the car."

The sentence, irreverently, continued that too "Madah" (author-composer-interpreter of poems for imams), he has already fired shots with a pistol. He asked ironically, "Should not you forbid the movement of" madah "in the city?"

Source: EFE


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