The court gave Florencia Kirchner 15 days to …


Federal Judicial Court Number 5, which will judge Florencia Kirchner in the Los Sauces case, gave him 15 days to return home from Cuba and one week to present his medical history.

According to the judges mentioned in the resolution issued this afternoon, the medical report submitted by the lawyer of the daughter of the former president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner was "insufficient and insufficient" and required that she presents all the medical history and a report on the studies that are conducted in this country during a week. In the meantime, they demanded that he come back in 15 days and that two days later he would appear in court.

Federal prosecutor Diego Velazco had asked the TOF to ask Kirchner's defense for an extension of the medical certificate that his lawyer, Carlos Beraldi, had submitted to inform him of the state of health of his defendant and to support the claim of 39, permission to stay on the island. Caribbean for 45 days. However, he had offered to give 30 days for the submission of this documentation.

Florencia Kirchner, accused with her mother and her brother Máximo, of having integrated an illegal badociation of the entrepreneur Lázaro Báez in the Los Sauces SA firm to launder money, carries out in Cuba a medical treatment to detect the stress syndrome post-traumatic (PTSD)), purpuric syndrome (small subcutaneous effusions in the form of red spots on the skin), amenorrhea (absence of menstruation for at least three consecutive periods), lymphoedema (obstruction of the lymphatic system produces fluid accumulation and inflammation in demyelinating polyneuropathy.

This was confirmed by the medical certificate presented by Beraldi before TOF 5 and made public by Fernández de Kirchner. The former president endilgated the health situation of his daughter to the persecution suffered by the justice.


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