The COVID vaccine that promises a revolution: cheap and easy to manufacture


The NDV-HXP-S vaccine is in phase 1 and promises to revolutionize the way we fight the coronavirus pandemic: it’s cheap, easy to make, and is expected to produce much more potent antibodies than others.

It’s based on Newcastle Avian Virus and doesn’t require specialized factories or hard-to-find ingredients. Clinical trials are currently underway in the United States, Thailand, Vietnam, Mexico and Brazil.

“The great advantage of this vaccine is that its production is accessible to all countries because it uses the same techniques as those used for vaccines against the influenza virus. Many countries have the local capacity to produce influenza virus vaccines. Influenza, and even those who do not have the local capacity to produce this type of vaccine, are quite inexpensive to produce. We hope that it can be produced by several countries, which is currently being done in Thailand and Vietnam, “said Adolfo García. Sastre, director of the Institute for Global Health and Emerging Pathogens at the School of Icahn medicine from Mount Sinai Hospital (New York), in dialogue with Clarín.

The expert, who is leading the studies of this vaccine, added: “It will have a great impact because of the huge number of doses that can be produced in many different places and at a very affordable price.”

He also clarified that “we are still a little far from having an approved vaccine” but indicated that “we are moving forward and we hope that it can be approved by the end of this year or the beginning of the year. next “; and closed on the question: “Unfortunately vaccines will continue to be needed next year, not everyone will be vaccinated.”


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