The CPM repudiated the dismissals in Telam: "The emptying of the public media is against democracy"


The Provincial Commission for Remembrance (CPM) refutes the decision of the directors of the National News Agency Telam approved by the Federal Public Media System, ] dismiss 354 press workers. The agency said that layoffs are added to other measures dump signals and platforms that produce the content of the state, which violates the "freedom of expression " and se " seriously injures the right to the communication of citizenship. "

" Under the fallacious speech of the modernization of the press agency and without reason to justify the measure the board of directors of Telam decided to dismiss 354 workers, almost 40% of the journalists from the factory, decreasing the ability to continue to to provide a plural and quality communication.In the face of this situation, the CPM stands in solidarity with the dismissed workers and repudiates a decision that subjects labor rights, restricts freedom of expression and violates the right to communication of all citizens, "said the institute

In this sense, he pointed out that "the layoffs in Telam add to the previous decisions of the current leadership of the Federal Public System Media which cut the law. workers' factory content of the Open Digital Television (TDA), Encuentro, Depor TV and Paka-Paka signals ". "In this sense, the CPM warns against the definition of a policy of emptying the signals media and platforms that produce public content," he said.

With the constitutional right to inform and to be informed, the Law on Audiovisual Communication Services had represented, from a legal standpoint, an important advance in defining communication as a right and the State as guarantor of this right ". The withdrawal of the State in the communication card only reinforces the position of the media companies operating only in a commercial logic , reproduce a scheme of greater symbolic and material concentration " the body headed by the Nobel Peace Prize, Adolfo Pérez Esquivel argued that " the media public should be the expression of a democratic state " and stressed that" within this framework, the press agency Telam has a central role for its presence throughout the country and for its ability to produce "Information". "Its emptying reduces the ability to exercise the right of access to information and contributes to the deterioration of conditions that allow others to listen." voices capable of putting in tension what the concentrated media makes invisible, "he said. 19659002] He concluded: "Our recognition of the work that the workers and workers of Telam accomplish daily and our solidarity with their struggle represent a defense of the right to communication and a declaration in favor of the plurality of voices and the democratization of information. The CPM supports the statement that the journalists of the agency have made and asks that the & journalistes journalistes [[[[194519451945194519451945194519451945194519451945194519451945Staterenewsthismeasurestrengthenstheproductionanddisseminationofpubliccontent"

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