The creator of Alibaba asked his employees to have a lot of sex


"At work, we highlight the spirit of 996. In life, we should do the 669", synthesized Jack Ma about the scheme he imposed on his employees for which they work six days a week, over 12-hour periods, from 9 am to 9 pm.

The creator of Alibaba celebrated the wedding of 102 pairs of employees of his company on May 10 and asked them to apply the "669", which involves bad. "six days, six times, with the duration as key".

Jack Ma's sentence is a play on words because in the Chinese dialect that uses the word "new", it sounds like the adjective "long".

There was a time when the Chinese government was struggling with overpopulation, but in 2018, the birth rate had dropped to 15 million, which is in proportion.


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