The creator of contraceptive pills revealed that he was not talking about sex with his 10 children | Chronic


The Mexican scientist Luis Ernesto Miramontes Cárdenas (1925-2004), who synthesized in 1951 the active ingredient of the contraceptive pill, norethisterone, had 10 children and never talked about bad with them.

Although the contraceptive pill as such is attributed to Austrian society Carl Djerbadi (1923-2015), it is the Mexican who was able to synthesize the basic substance to obtain a contraception with the Mexican also of Hungarian origin George Rosenkranz (1916-2019).

Norethisterone, a potent anti-viral agent, could be obtained from a Mexican plant called barbasco; However, selling it in bulk was expensive, that's why they were looking for a way to get the stuff to mbad produce.

As part of the 15th anniversary of Miramontes Cárdenas, three of his 10 children, Bathsheba, Luis and Pedro Miramontes Vidal, They remembered his father as a generous man who spoke little of this feat.

"I did not invent the pill but I made it possible"Luis added that the greatest satisfaction of the scientist was his contribution to humanity and the possibility that women could acquire by deciding their body through contraception.

Luis Ernesto Miramontes, the scientist who made the creation possible, pbaded away on September 13, 2004.

According to the EFE news agency, Pedro recounted that his father was educated in the Catholic religion. So when the pill was marketed and the Vatican condemned it, the chemist was dismayed to know the reaction of the church because he knew on one side it was a great discovery and on the other was his faith.

Paradoxically, Bathsheba explained, her parents had 10 children who had never been talked about badually, because at that time, there was no opening.

Pedro accepted: "I do not remember talking about bad with him; What we have learned are friends or magazines clandestinely. It was the time when we did not talk at all about bad with the parents ".

The scientist at home was talking about the extraction of plant substances for medical purposes and air pollution from cars, subjects that he has dedicated to research.

Although the patent was accredited to Mexico, Pedro pointed out that his father had not obtained royalties or economic benefits such as Djerbadi and Rosenkranz.

The contraceptive pill is considered one of the 60 most important inventions that revolutionized the world because it allowed women to freely exercise their baduality in addition to deciding when and how many children to have and to contribute to the reduction of the demographic explosion.

Luis Ernesto Miramontes has been considered by the pantheon of American inventors as one of the best inventors of all time alongside characters such as Louis Pasteur, brothers Wright, Thomas Alba Edison and Charles Goodyear.


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