The cross accusations between Armenia and Azerbaijan lead …


Armenia today announced that six of its soldiers were wounded yesterday in Nagorno-Karabakh in a violation of the ceasefire concluded between the forces of this independent region and the Azerbaijani army, which denied leading the attack and claimed that she launched an “anti-terrorist operation” against Armenian armed groups.

The Armenian Ministry of Defense accused Azerbaijan in a statement of carrying out an attack on two villages with “armored vehicles” and “heavy artillery”.

“After the fighting, which lasted several hours, the enemy managed to penetrate the village of Jin Tajer and approach that of Jtsaberd,” AFP news agency reported.

The two towns are located in the Hadrut district and border the new dividing line that separates the two southern sides of Nagorno-Karabakh, according to the ceasefire agreement signed on November 10 by the leadership of Armenia. , Azerbaijan and Russia. .

For its part, the Azerbaijani army yesterday denied having carried out an attack and the Defense Ministry assured that the cessation of hostilities was respected.

However, the Azerbaijani army claimed to have responded to “provocations” by Armenian armed groups, which are believed to be responsible for the deaths of four soldiers in the Hadrut area of ​​Xocavend district (Khojavend), the news agency reported. Sputnik.

According to the Armenian side, these were groups “lost” in a wooded area near Hadrut who had to leave the area after the cessation of hostilities in Nagorno-Karabakh.

The Azerbaijani Defense Ministry and the State Security Service claimed that “they had provided all the conditions for the withdrawal” of these groups and that members of the Russian peace contingent had warned them over loudspeakers of an imminent evacuation, but the Armenian army “they resisted leaving the territory, attacking the Azerbaijani army and civilians”.

Armenian diplomacy insisted, through a statement, on the fact that Azerbaijan continues today to make “provocations” in Hadrut.

The November pact was signed after six weeks of fighting that left more than 5,000 dead and confirmed the defeat of Armenian forces, leading to major territorial conquests in Azerbaijan.

By agreement between the parties, Russia sent peacekeepers to the conflict zone, initially for five years.

The deployment of this 2,000-strong contingent took place in parallel with the gradual withdrawal of Armenian forces from the districts of Agdam, Kelbecer (Kalbajar) and Lachín, occupied during the 1992-1994 war.

The Russian army will exercise control of the demarcation line between Armenian and Azeri forces, as well as the Lachin Corridor, which connects Nagorno-Karabakh with Armenia.

For its part, Armenia will have to guarantee transport between the autonomous republic of Nakhichevan, the Azerbaijani enclave between Armenia, Iran and Turkey, and the western regions of Azerbaijan.

On November 26, three Azerbaijani soldiers died and two others were injured in an attack near the village of Sur; and on December 8, a soldier was killed and an employee of the Azercell telephone company was seriously injured near Hadrut, the Russian agency reported.


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