The cruel punishment applied to a baby for his delay in the garden


The parents of a two-year-old boy denounced an unusual fact: how was the boy taken away? Kindergarten and kindergarten A few minutes later than the usual time of entry, they decided to take her to the street and were alone. It's happened in Bogota, Colombia.

It all started when the child's father waited for his son's entry into the place and then withdrew. A few seconds later, an employee forces the child and other children to leave the premises, thanks to what can be observed in the security cameras on the outskirts of the garden, according to media reports local.

The authorities of the garden in question, located in the neighborhood of Timiza in Bogotá, gave their version of the events and explained that they thought that the father of the baby was always outside when they l? took away, but in the shoot, we see that the man was already retired. calm, since he saw how his son was already inside the place.

Another room of the institution showed how a man took out the last three children who entered the site, which faces an avenue. For his part, the two-year-old boy, disoriented, began looking for his father but did not find him. It was a neighbor of the region who witnessed the scene and noticed the boy's situation. He helped her, consulted her planner, found the parents' phone number and located them.

The mother of the baby, called Liliana Mora, told the aforementioned press that she had learned what had happened, but feared that her son would be lost in this case of negligence. "We have a very high percentage of missing, dead or raped children and the indignation is that my son could be in this fatal statistic," he said.

He went to steal a pram and forgot his son at the store

In this sense, he explained that the employee of the establishment who had taken his son and other companions, "provides his particular services to a garden path, but neither belongs nor to the payroll of the garden or to the foundation that represents it ".

Justification Apparently, the "penalty" applied to the child is to be entered half an hour later than the time when the garden opens its doors to start the day.



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