The curious case of a man who spent a year talking only on social networks and who became famous – 14/04/2019


Reddit is a website where users post text, photos, or other content, just like any other social network. Comments are enabled for all Internet users who have an account, but an unusual and fun case has occurred in recent days.

User Andy Bowen (34), who uses the name Bufger, expressed great sympathy for the sincerity of his presence on Reddit. For a year, he posted messages in his profile, but never received a comment or interaction, which surprised him, but at the same time, it made him sad.

Bowen (whose user name on Reddit is Bufger) commented on and responded to messages on Reddit, but no one could see him or interact with him. (Reddit).

Bowen (whose user name on Reddit is Bufger) commented on and responded to messages on Reddit, but no one could see him or interact with him. (Reddit).

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Every week.

Bowen explained to the BBC that he had continued to publish simply because he liked to contribute to the discussions, even though he had received no response or "similar" in return. "Rather than sitting around watching social networks, I like to do something a little more active and, ironically, interactive," he said.

After contacting the technical support team to talk to them about the problem, they discovered the problem: they had access to Reddit. "silenced"that is, their publications and comments could not be seen by anyone.

After solving the error in six hours, Bowen told in his profile everything that had happened to him and how he felt for a year, convinced that no one cared what he had published. Quickly has become the post with more "Like" in the history of the social network.

After solving the error in six hours, Bowen counted in his profile everything that had happened (Reddit)

After solving the error in six hours, Bowen counted in his profile everything that had happened (Reddit)

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"It was a very strange day, I felt incredible when someone saw one of my publications," said the Net surfer at the BBC. He continued, "I did not think everything was going to explode like that, I did a quick and frantic search on my profile in the morning to see if I had to eliminate something that was bothering me."

As to why Reddit has silenced him so that his posts do not appear to other users, he said the choice of the social network was random. stop the attacks that were on the site.

"They blocked an IP address or account that they thought was linked, and I'm very glad it was clarified," he said, recalling a particular situation. Some time ago, a publication on a diabetes forum was published. Another user had asked for help and his answer had been one of only two answers.

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"Of course, they have never seen my answer, and I do not know, you never know what happens to the person behind that, I wonder how my contribution at this time would have changed," he said. he declares.

Bowen rhe gave money on behalf of users to "repair the damage". However, the user stated that he was not interested in the fame and that he would contact a charity to donate the product to him.



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