The curious story of the most successful clairvoyant of Argentina who did not see his future


Ricardo Schiariti felt since his childhood different from other children his age and holder of a particular perception, which led him to become the most successful seer of the country, but this did not not allowed to guess his future: when he was higher in his glory, his house of cards collapsed abruptly and ended up in prison.

Schiariti was born on August 3, 1957 in

Lomas del Mirador

, in the conurbano of Buenos Aires. He was the second of three children of Antonio and Carolina, two workers who had formed a typical family of the lower middle clbad.

As a boy, the mother took him to a club because he had not grown up. Until he goes to a doctor who told him that he was not taking medication, he would stay dwarf all his life. "I took the medication and I am today the greatest of the whole family," says Schiariti himself, during a phone conversation with La Nacion, of


, where he currently lives.

As I always loved being independent, at eleven, I worked as a paraglider in a bowling alley. At the age of 14, he landed a cadet job at a San Justo clinic and discovered that he loved healing a lot. That's why he studied nursing and received a nurse from the International Red Cross.

As at the time

Buenos Aires

nurse he decided to go to

Turbio River

. As he recounts, he felt first-hand what the spirit and power of suggestion can accomplish: "One day, I was treating the wounded of an accident in the coal mine and I found without morphine. " I did something to calm the pain, I started giving them placebos and talking to them, both those who had morphine and those who had not calmed down. "

In 1979, he returned to Buenos Aires because he was unbound
the conflict with Chile on the Beagle Channel and the mother did not want him to be at the center of this conflict because he was working besides with many Chileans. He did not support much and went back south:

Great River

, Land of Fire. "I arrived by bus to

Río Gallegos

I worked as a waiter one night and with that, plus a vaquita that made the young men from the place, I paid a pbadage from LADE to Rio Grande. I started working at the local hospital until I was hired by the Perez Companc group. There, the economy started to improve, "he says.

In 1982, the
The Falklands war and he was captured by the battalion No. 5. At one point, he was told that he was going to fly to Río Gallegos, but in fact they took him there in Puerto Argentino. "I've never seen a bullet, they just gave me a helmet with a red cross, I built a live blood bank, I was only 72 hours in the islands, but I got upset about the company and the army, because they had misled me, I left everything and I went back to Buenos Aires, "he says.

His worried mind made it, again, that lasted little in the federal capital: immediately it was changed to


, where he was very well received by the local governor, Felipe Sapag. Shortly after, Sapag himself sent him to the city hospital of Cinco Saltos in Rio Negro, without pay, only with the bed and food. "There, people started following me because they said that I had healed from my hands and eyes." At night, in front of the hospital, there were seven blocks to see me, with all kinds of problems: illnesses with love pain. and family conflicts, "he says.

Since he did not want to mix things up with his work at the hospital, he started to go for free to a store that a friend had loaned him. As he says, all he wanted was that people be happy and happy. "I had become the healer of the village, but I have not cared for anyone, I have always said, I have helped people to help themselves", repeats Schiariti.

On the insistence of the customer, who wanted to pay with something, put an empty box at the entrance of the store. He started making a lot of money and, as he admits today, was very scared of what was happening to him and fled

Bahía Blanca

. There, a friend asked him to help people at his home and again attracted thousands of people. "I have earned a lot of money, I have bought a house and high – end cars. Word of mouth did the rest: I became the "healer with divine eyes".

To his shame, he met a person who had betrayed and cheated him, making him lose the small accumulated fortune. In total poverty, he moved from scratch to Coronel Suárez, where he met the comedian José Luis Gioia. One day, he called from Buenos Aires: "

Alberto Olmedo

he wants to meet you Come to the capital, he says.

Schiariti took his belongings and went to Buenos Aires, where he went to Olmedo and gained his trust (to the point that he stayed at his home in Av. Del Libertador and at Fray Justo, Santa María de Oro, Palermo). "El Negro gave me an office in Cordoba and Talcahuano, and he told me to start charging $ 500. Everyone came from famous artists to politicians, and I was I started charging $ 1,000 to reduce the number of people, but back: more people were coming in, "he recalls.

Schiariti with Mirtha Legrand
Schiariti with Mirtha Legrand

Thus, surrounded by luxury, celebrities and evenings-evenings, he spent three months with Olmedo. According to Schiariti, a few days before the death of the comedian, he confesses that if he died that way, he would die. "El Negro watched for the first time since our meeting, he slapped me and said," Kid, I'm already dead for a while. "

At the death of Olmedo, Schiariti had as patient Marta Reguera, who was then director of Channel 9. The woman had promised to include him in the telenovela
Sellers of Lafayette and it's like that that he became actor and co-composer for two years. "I wanted to be an actor when I was a kid, but later, I realized that I was a better mentalist," he says.

But his successful career was about to begin. In 1994, Ovidio García and Luis Beldi introduced him to Eduardo Eurnekian, owner of Cbad América 2. As he himself says, it was enough for him to say three words for this man to hire him and tell him: "You start Monday at midnight ".

What came from there was an explosion of glory, money and success. His program, "The Strange Hour", reaches 12 points of clbadification at 12 o'clock in the evening and convenes the greatest personalities of the country. He filled all the theaters of Argentina and was traveling with a private plane, as there were up to three performances a night. He has made presentations all over the world, he has written books and made predictions of all kinds. I touched the sky with my hands. But … there is always a "brushstroke" that ruins everything.

In 2000, he was spending the radio season at Pinamar when, all of a sudden, the police arrived and took him to jail. A woman, with whom he had had a relationship a few years earlier, among other things, badaulted him with a weapon in town and in a group, had tried to be kidnapped by violence and abuse. coercive threats (22 in total).

The next day he was taken to the Buenos Aires City Hall and Judge Mariano Bergés sent him to court.
Ezeiza prison: he was imprisoned 9 months and seven days. At the time of the trial, the accuser herself stated that all this was a lie around her. Schiariti was released, but the social condemnation was terrible: no one wanted to hire him, they canceled shows and contracts, his career was broken and became a new one only because of the l & rsquo; Criminal incident.

Schiariti with his son Facundo, with whom he makes a cooking show on YouTube
Schiariti with his son Facundo, with whom he makes a cooking show on YouTube

Currently, Schiariti is based in Pinamar and proudly tells that he and his son participate in the program "Ricardo y Facu en la cocina", broadcast on his own YouTube channel. "Everything we cook there, we give to rural schools, we already have 308 subscribers and for every new subscriber, we feed a boy," he says. Thus spends his days the seer who could not see his own ruin; the man who still repeats today: "I help you to help yourself".

* If you want to see the live column, log on Friday at 11pm. What the day took (Monday to Friday), by LN +: 715 and 1715 DirecTV, Cablevisión 19 Digital and Analog / 618 HD and Flow, Telecentro 705 Digital, TDA 25.3, basic and digital service Telered 18 and Antina 6 digital.


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