The cut affected neighboring countries | Chronic


The historic power outage in Argentina has also affected neighboring countries and has had a significant impact on the world's various media.

This Sunday we were the international news and not just for something good. In Uruguay, our power outage caused a collapse of energy because the Yacyretá-Salto Grande line system is also connected to the neighboring country.

There they solved it all day long. In Brazil, there was an over-frequency due to the disengagement of the converter installed in Garabí, although this did not have as many consequences as in Uruguay.

For its part, in Paraguay, the circuit powered by Yacyretá was cut by about 20 MW, which was replaced by energy produced by Itaipu. "This is the first time that the recovery of the total collapse of the Sadi, which takes three hours to restore the system, is applied", indicated by the sector.

Several international media outlets have echoed the mbadive power outage that occurred this Sunday morning in Argentina, leaving millions of users from different countries without electricity waiting for service restoration. . The New York Times, the BBC and Sky News, among others, have published articles on the historic power outage.

The prestigious New York newspaper cited the electricity companies, which reported a failure of the "interconnection system". The newspaper also noted that the train and metro services in Buenos Aires have been suspended, while the airports have been kept in operation with the use of electric generators.

Several international media outlets have echoed the mbadive blackout that occurred this Sunday morning in Argentina, leaving millions of users from different countries without electricity waiting for the restoration of service.

For its part, the BBC channel noted that the incident occurred during a day during which elections were held in several provinces of Argentina. The Spanish newspapers El País and La Vanguardia have also covered the news in their international section. In addition, Latin American media such as El Mercurio in Chile and O Globo in Brazil have reported the news without mentioning the problems that arise in their respective countries.

The Chilean portal also launched the hypothesis of a "imbalance between the energy supplied and the demand ". In addition to being news on the world's leading portals, the blackout also featured various memes in which a satire about the sharp rise in electricity rates in Argentina and the widespread reduction this Sunday.


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