The damaged 737 MAX did not have two security systems that Boeing sold as extras – 21/03/2019


The victims of the Boeing 737 MAX in Ethiopia and Indonesia did not have two optional security mechanisms that, in part, could have helped their drivers to avoid accidents, according to the US newspaper reported Thursday The New York Times (NYT).

Boeing, which sells these systems in addition, decided to start including one of them as a standard after the disasters, said the newspaper, citing an informed source of the decision.

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The company, for the moment, has not officially announced any move in this direction.

According to NYTNeither the aircraft Lion Air crashed last October in the Java Sea, nor that of Ethiopian Airlines that crashed this month did not have these security systems optional, which are not necessary for the authorities.

Although the causes of accidents are not yet known, Experts have highlighted software designed to improve safety in the ascent phase of the devices. and a fault in the sensors that activate this mechanism as a possible motive, which has led many countries to veto the Boeing 737 MAX temporarily.

According to NYT, the two systems sold as an option by the American company could have helped to avoid recent accidents.

One of them is a indicator of "angle of attack", which shows the measurements of the two sensors in question, while the other is a "light of disagreement" which is activated if the measurements of these sensors do not match.

Boeing, which has announced a software update, also plans to include by default the "light of disagreement" in all new 737 Max, a source told the New York newspaper.

Meanwhile, the "angle of attack" indicator would continue to be something that airlines must order in addition.

According to experts cited by NYT, Both mechanisms are essential for security and very inexpensive to install.

Aircraft manufacturers usually offer their customers a multitude of supplements that they can add to their aircraft, although they usually do not publish their prices.

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According to other information published on Wednesday by the President NYT, the pilot of the flight Lion Air that crashed in October desperately consulted the technical manual of the plane while the aircraft was rushing towards the sea, to try to find a solution and stabilize it.

This moment was recorded in the audio recording of the cabin, recovered after the accident.

According to the preliminary investigation of the incident, the nose of the plane inclined more than 20 times, a move that, according to experts, may have been caused by a sensor or software error mentioned above.

Source: EFE.



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