The dark profile of the author of the California Massacre | Chronic


After clarifying the killing of three people and injuring 12 others at a gourmet festival in the state of California, local police could identify the subject. Santino William Legan, a young man who posted a photo of the event and made discriminatory comments.

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The individual seemed to draw randomly shortly after 5:30 pm Sunday, at the conclusion of a three-day festival that draws more than 100,000 people in the town of Gilroy, known as the "The world capital of garlic".

Several officers located the alleged gunman and shot him dead "in less than a minute"he said Scot Smithee, Gilroy's chief of police.

The police killed the killer. (AP).

The murderer shared a photo of the festival shortly before the crime. It is not known if the image was captured on the same day or in one of the previous two. In his message, although he has a pejorative tone, he gives no indication of wanting to hurt the people present.

In his Instagram account, now deleted, Legan identifies as being of descent "Italian and Iranian". However, despite his migrant origins, he had a discriminatory discourse.

The previous publication was about a book containing white supremacist rhetoric written at the end of the 19th century. "Why overcrowding cities and making room for hordes of half-breeds and stupid whites from Silicon Valley?"he asked on the social network.

Police have indicated that the venue of the events "It was still a crime scene"and the agents were looking for a second possible suspect, Smithee said. "We think, based on witness statements, that there was a second person involved, but we do not know to what extent," He told the press.

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"While families were spending time together at a local festival, a wicked badbadin opened fire and killed three innocent citizens, including a young child," the president told the White House.

The Gilroy Garlic Festival includes meals, cooking contests and music. It is a rendezvous with decades of tradition in the farming town of 50,000, located 176 kilometers southeast of San Francisco. It's usually a peaceful holiday for families.

The story that was not

Stephen Romero He was six years old and last Sunday he went to the gastronomic fair with his mother and grandmother and, as the rest of the participants had fun and chose the dish he would eat.

But a tragic moment prevented the small child from returning home: a bullet hit him and he lost his life moments later in the hospital.

Stephen was one of three victims. (Twitter)

After this news, Stephen's father and paternal grandmother were immediately taken to Sainte-Louise Hospital. When his nightmares came true, the little boy had no vital signs and was pronounced dead.

His other two members of his family were also taken to the emergency hospital. The mother was touched by hand and abdomen and the maternal grandmother in the leg. They were two of the 13 people who were injured.

The six-year-old father barely wanted to talk about what had happened. He told local media that he was too shocked by the news that his son had lost his life on a Sunday that he expected to be familiar and cheerful, with music and food out of the ordinary. "My son had all his life before him, he was only six years old" That was the only thing he could say.

"I just want them to catch the people who have done it.We must know that justice will be done with the person who did it." said the grandmother. While the city councilor, Fred M. TovarHe said that he was sad because of the news that the menu. would have been one of the victims of the shootings "I pray that God will give strength to his family My deepest condolences, I will keep his family close to my thoughts and prayers in the coming weeks, during their mourning process."


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