The day after Dorian: Nelson visited Grand Bahamas, the island devastated by the hurricane


The pbadage of Hurricane Dorian by bahamas It has wreaked havoc on the main islands of the archipelago. With category 5, the phenomenon caused the death of at least 30 people and destroyed everything that crossed its path: houses, avenues, terminals and almost all the airport of Freeport, the capital of Grand Bahama. It's exactly where it is Nelson, the correspondent, to convey in first person the disaster that "the monster" left in its advance towards Canada.

Nelson, the correspondent at the airport of Freeport

The first stop of the journalist in Grand Bahama was the Freeport International Airport, one of the most punished places by Dorian. His Services were suspended and the terminals they were left stuffed with rubble.

During, the houses of the city were completely covered with waterwhich has reached more than two meters high. For this reason, residents of the area had to be evacuated to different shelters until their return was secure.

The height of the water in the houses (Photo:
The height of the water in the houses (Photo:

How could you be a witness Nelson, the correspondent, the city It was devoid of light, water and any kind of connectivity following heavy winds, floods and floods.

It was the power line on the Grand Bahama Highway

Due to large number of flooded fieldsThe Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) announced Friday that it would support the recasting of the agricultural sector of the archipelago.

As, cruise Mariner of the SeasRoyal Caribbean Company sailed from Port Canaveral on the east coast of Florida to Grand Bahama, where will deliver thousands of rations of food and water to the victims of the hurricane and will transfer Nbadau to hundreds of casualties with other company ships.

In the same spirit, society Coca Cola in Puerto Rico sent to the capital of the Bahamas two private planes with 1,800 pounds of necessities which include electric generators, flashlights, batteries and containers for the storage of gasoline, among others.

The state in which one of the houses remained (Photo:
The state in which one of the houses remained (Photo:


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