The day Assange revealed the connection between the US Embassy and Macri


When filtering documents from US embbadies became known, the intimate relations of the now Argentine president with the United States were exposed.

April 11, 2019

Julian Assange, arrested today in London, had revealed to the interior of his Wikileaks important documents about the relationship of Mauricio Macri with the Embbady of the United States.

In Argentina, the journalist who had access to these documents distributed by Assange he was Santiago O Donnell and published them in his book Argenleaks.

He reports on each of the maneuvers of Argentine politicians and businessmen with American diplomats.

The programmer, journalist and Australian Internet activist was arrested today at the Embbady of Ecuador. Your site Wikileaks since 2010, filters the secret documents of the United States.

In them he appeared Macri. Y O & # 39; Donell He discovered them. It is revealed the intimate relationship of the now Argentine president with USA and attacks to Néstor Kirchner.

State Department documents dating from 2006, 2008, 2009 and 2010, report five meetings of the current president – at the time at the head of the city government – with representatives of this country.

"The US participation in Argentina has been too pbadive and reluctant to directly challenge Kirchner provocations," he said at one of these meetings.

To integrate

In June 2008, he met Macri with the Governor of South Carolina, Mark Sanford. There, he says that "Nestor Kirchner is completely crazy" and adds: "As all the external circumstances were favorable to Argentina in recent years, they have darkened the eyes of the people, but now it's clear … it's just crazy.".

At a meeting with the American ambbadador of the time, Vilma Socorro Martínez, the US government on a cable describes that "Macri was rude and he did not have to do the job that matches the politicians of the opposition. Macri He again insisted, for the fifth time, that the United States harden their position before the national government, retorted the diplomat at the embbady that would do the opposite. "

"If I get political support outside of Buenos Aires, in 90% of the cases, it's because I've driven to Boca and 10% headed the government of Buenos Aires," Macri said in February 2010 at a luncheon with the US ambbadador Vilma Socorro Martínez at the diplomatic residence. The story consists of a cable filtered by Wikileaks and attributed to Page / 12 in which there is evidence of a request for support from the US government in view of a possible candidacy for the presidency.

The leader of the PRO took the lunch to confirm his candidacy for the presidency. "Macri spoke openly about his ambitions for the presidency in 2011"said the cable. The leader thus advanced before the diplomatic delegation something that would not be made public until one year later, on February 2nd.

Macri thinks that there is a regional trend towards the rightstarting with the election of Sebastián Piñera In Chile, Macri has amicably described a restless mind that knows more than others, regardless of subject, culture, sport, business, government and history. Macri thinks that José Serra will win the Brazilian presidency and hopes to follow the trend in 2011. "Finally, he was not a candidate in 2011 but in 2015.


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