The day Pablo Escobar went to court – News


Making the decision to spend his days in prison was not a defeat for Pablo Escobar, on the contrary. It was the result of strict negotiation to protect his life.

A day like today, but 30 years ago, a helicopter picked him up in eastern Antioquia, a mountainous and jungle place in Colombia. The delegation that went to pick him up was chaired by the priest Rafael García Herreros, who acted as mediator throughout the proceedings.

Pablo Escobar

From there he was transported to Envigado prison, which years later would be known as La Catedral, a luxurious mansion where the drug dealer lived with all his henchmen, who had also surrendered in front of the justice.

These were the conditions “the boss” had imposed on surrender, making it clear that he was still in charge, even behind bars.

The cathedral had a football pitch and a panoramic view

But, in addition, the very day of its pronouncement, the National Constituent Assembly had approved the non-extradition of drug traffickers to the United States with 51 votes in favor, 13 against and 4 abstentions.

The story goes that, from the official office, Pablo Escobar lived the whole debate and the voting process step by step. Thus, the sentence imposed on drug traffickers was carried out: “We prefer a grave in Colombia to a cell in the United States”.

The National Constituent Assembly of Colombia

The cathedral

The place Escobar was transferred with his group had a panoramic view, a football pitch and even a natural waterfall.

In addition, the doors were open without restriction to relatives, friends and associates of the drug trafficker. From there he continued to control his gangster affairs, ordering assassinations and throwing parties where alcohol, drugs and women were wasted.

This is what the cathedral looks like today

When all this came to light, President Gaviria was forced to transfer Escobar to a real prison. However, Escobar learned of this decision and on the night of July 21, 1992, he escaped.

Today, the place is guarded by the San Benito Abad Monastic Foundation and a renovated retirement home operates there.


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