The dead in Sri Lanka rise to 359 and are on alert for possible new attacks | Chronic


The balance sheet of the series of Sunday Resurrection attacks against churches and luxury hotels in Sri Lanka rose to 359, official sources said Wednesday, reiterating their suspicions that they may be committed. "new attacks"on the island and reported about the arrest of 60 people.

"There may be more attacks, we must be vigilant right now, we will have the situation under control in the coming days"said the deputy defense minister and spokesman of the government, Ruwan Wijewardene, at a press conference with foreign journalists. The official also informed that 60 people had already been arrested for their alleged links to the attacks.

Here is how the church was after the attack. (Twitter)

According to the government spokesman, the information on Sunday's attacks was committed by at least nine suicide bombers who killed themselves with explosives, killing hundreds of people, eight of whom were killed. have been identified, "including a woman and a person studying in the UK and Australia"Europa Press and EFE news agencies reported.

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"Many of them have studied in other countries, with university and postgraduate degrees indicating that they were educated people, we are looking for links with all the neighboring countries."he added.

The president of the country, Maithripala Sirisena, announced a restructuring in the coming hours of intelligence agencies, police and armed forces, having confirmed having received information about the attacks a few hours before their commission, without warning the government.

So far, 60 people of Syrian origin have been arrested in connection with the attacks, said Wijewardene, who declined to answer questions about the presumed detention of a suspect with an arrest warrant. a Syrian pbadport.

Sepultura of Catholic martyrs. (Courtesy: @padrezezinhoscj)

Investigators continue to try to determine who is responsible for the attacks, claimed yesterday by the Islamic State, which had originally been attributed to the local Islamist group National Thowheeth Jama & # 39; ath (NTJ) with the support of "international terrorists"

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According to the latest report released on Wednesday, the number of deaths rose from 321 to 359 in the last 24 hours, including 39 foreigners, after the deaths of several of the 500 injured victims. The series of attacks that took place Sunday in Sri Lanka began with six almost simultaneous explosions in three luxury hotels in Colombo and in one church of the capital, another in Katana, in the west of the country , and the third in the eastern city of Batticaloa

Sepultura of Catholic martyrs. (Courtesy: @padrezezinhoscj)

A few hours later, a seventh detonation took place in a small hotel located about a dozen kilometers south of the capital and the last in a residential complex of Dematagoda, also in Colombo.
No attack of this magnitude has occurred in Sri Lanka since the Tamil guerrilla civil war in the government, which lasted 26 years and ended in 2009 and left, according to the UN , more than 40,000 civilians.


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