The deadline to renew the SME certificate expires today.


This Friday is the deadline to renew the certificate of the two legal entities, as well as all natural persons

This Friday the deadline for renew the SME certificate of the two legal entities with closing December 2018 / January 2019, as also of all natural persons. This does not mean that after the deadline can not be requested, but the benefits of being an SME will only be valid if it is clbadified as such.

In order to maintain the benefits of the registry, registered companies must be reclbadified online in the register promoted by the Ministry of Production and Labor.

It should be noted that this tool, made available by the Entrepreneurs and SMEs Secretariat of this portfolio, allows companies to prove their status to different entities in order to solicit benefits or join programs that increase their productivity and improve their competitiveness.

The permanent benefits of the SME register include:

– the elimination of the presumed minimum income tax, starting from periods beginning in January 2017;

– compensation for the tax on debits and bank loans with an income tax of -100% for micro and small enterprises and 60% for medium-sized industrial enterprises;

– postponement of payment of VAT within 90 days for micro and small enterprises;

– the promotion scheme, for which it is necessary for the productive investment to be made before 31 December 2018;

– the deposit in profits of 10% of the productive investments, within the limit of 2% of the average sales of that year and the previous year (this limit is extended to 3% for the industrial sector);

– and the tax credit bonus generated by the investment made during the financial year, provided that it includes the technical balance sheet for VAT at the date of submission of the income tax.

In addition, the current certificate allows small and medium enterprises access to the various programs of the Ministry of Production and Labor and other institutions, such as the certificate of non-retention of VAT, the benefits on export rights, the plans of installations in AFIP and benefits in the different banks.

It should be recalled that, since its creation, more than 528 000 small and medium-sized enterprises have already benefited from the advantages of the law on SMEs, which removes and reduces taxes, increases the possibilities of financing and simplifies the life of companies for the help to generate more income. and a better job.

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