The death of Natacha Jaitt: can we put an end to doubts?


Federico mana veneer

Death is a fact but that does not dissipate the uncertainties. In the field of philosophy, doubt (as well as death) has always been a key factor in encouraging reflection, while considering that it is generally perceived as a positive attitude to apply in the personal life, which leads us to reflect on ourselves and our practice.

However, there is no unanimity when it comes to conceiving it as the philosophical good par excellence; For example, the thinker Charles Peirce argues that any doubt is not legal to produce thought and that we act effectively through beliefs and not doubts because they paralyze us; when we hesitate We are unable to make decisions.

In this way, an unresolved doubt will place us in a situation of stupor from which we can not leave before generating a belief, an idea on which we are convinced.

So, considering these brief concepts, you can approach the case of death Natacha Jaitt not only of the social upheaval that provoked his death, but also of the various speculations which, a few hours after his death, were already ready to try to dispel the strangers who fly around his face and his public denunciations.

It seems that even when authoritative voices emerge to explain the causes of his death, they will not be able to consider the subject as definitive. Therefore, one of the few certainties that we can have is, paradoxically, that doubt will be at the center of the case: Was it an overdose? Was it a murder? Does someone profit from his death? What will happen to complaints about pedophilia and its violation?

So we can see that the only way to say something about this case is through the preparation of beliefs. As mentioned, hundreds of speculations and theories about what happened and the alleged material and intellectual authors circulate through social networks from the first minutes. But can you expect something else? In a highly publicized era, the death of a public figure such as Natacha was transformed into a national affair.

Now, is hesitation a collateral result? With an event traversed in such a way by multiple interests, there is virtually no doubt that the act of doubting can be intentional, motivated. Like the bombing of AMIA or the explosion of Río Tercero, no matter how much of "truth" discovery, there will always be room for questions, a loophole for questions, a perfume of belief.

Perhaps as a society we do not want to be paralyzed, perhaps we will end up accepting a belief that satisfies us and helps us to "move forward". However, it is possible that we will never stop convincing ourselves and that we will only have to struggle among doubts, doubts which are only the result of the forecast that It is unlikely that we will know for sure what happened to Natasha Jaitt.


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