The debate between Sister Martha Pelloni and journalist Nancy Pazos on the legalization of abortion – 23/07/2018


On the one hand, Martha Pelloni, a long-distance nun and a social reference. On the other, Nancy Pazos, the journalist who recalled two traumatic situations. In short, two different positions on one of the issues of the moment: the debate on the legalization of abortion, which will arrive in August in the Senate Chamber.

In "I must say", the program that Luis Novaresio leads in America, the two figures were crossed by the discussion of the moment. Pelloni compared abortion with Spartan customs. For its part, Pazos defines as "a torture" the fact that a child raped must continue his pregnancy.

"I feel the moment when Greece was thrown to the disabled from the top of the hill because they were not serving the militia, why do we want to kill children, I do not go into the discussion, but life is untouchable. "Pelloni replied," I disagree, but I understand that Martha looks at life with glbades because of her beliefs and her faith. Is very difficult because she herself does not want to discuss the issue. "

" This is not that I do not want to argue, but for me the question is indisputable. [19659006] After this first crossing, Pazos reviews one of the problems: the death of "many women, especially in situations of poverty, who decide to terminate the pregnancy and who end up dead because of of infections "because of the poor conditions in which illegal abortions are practiced SIU. "Here, half of society imposes on the other what he has to do with his life."

And he asked, "What are you doing, my sister, with a 13-year-old girl raped by her father and Who is getting pregnant?"

-Contains, he says, said Pelloni, who in the 90s was one of the characters who motivated the search for justice for the death of María Soledad Morales.

and have the baby? Contain him and force him to be a mother -reployed Pazos.

The debate continued, with other moments of tension.

After being in favor of Pelloni said, "We are learning, huh, I have learned that, scientifically, what has been generated in the body of the woman, is life. both lives. "

-So, a 13-year-old girl who is raped … -He started Pazos

-… you have to take care of her, you have to take care of her up to That she has the son. "We," continued the nun, "will bring five country girls, hosted in a foster home and we will see who in the family can be sure of their family. to take care of the child. "

-What matters, my sister, with a level of compbadion

" Let's take care of life, take care of all lives, "concludes Pelloni

And Pazos says quickly: "We all take care of life, green tissues also take care of life."

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