The decision made by Facebook for the accounts of the deceased


April 9, 2019

The social network Facebook will include in its application an option to honor the dead.

The decision made by Facebook for the accounts of the deceased
The decision made by Facebook for the accounts of the deceased

The novelty of Facebook This has affected everyone who has wondered how to do when a family member or friend dies and have an active account on this social network.

The announcement was made this Tuesday and Mark Zuckerberg's social network will use artificial intelligence technology to identify the accounts of deceased users.

With this news, the American society will try to prevent family and friends from receiving more birthday reminders from a loved one who is no longer.

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In addition, he indicated that will add a tributes section for the deceased's accounts. This will serve as a space for family and friends to write messages and upload commemorative photos of their contact.

For this new feature, Facebook must modernize its rules define who would be allowed to convert an account that no longer has an owner into a tribute portal.

Previously, anyone who sent the company a proof of death, such as an obituary in a newspaper, could do so. From now on, this will only be possible for family and friends.

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With these changes, Facebook aims to make the social platform "a place where friends and family can gather and pay homage to loved ones who have lost".

According to the statement posted on the official website, this initiative responds to suggestions and comments that the company has received from users of different religions and cultures, as well as from experts and from 39; university.

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