The decriminalization of the poppy would be under the control of the State: Olga Sánchez Cordero


Olga Sánchez Cordero, proposed by Andrés Manuel López Obrador to head the Ministry of the Interior, affirmed, in an interview for "Strictly Personal & # 39; with Raymundo Riva Palacio, that the issue of decriminalization of the poppy in Mexico will go hand in hand with United Nations and under state control.

The problem is there. There are more than 120 poppy populations or more, in Guerrero, essentially. As for marijuana, for me it is no longer a subject, Canada has decriminalized it and more than half of the American states have decriminalized it, it is already a global trend. There are 18 poppy producing countries, there is UN supervision and it would be the state that would have control. In the case of the poppy, I would see more state intervention. "

Sánchez Cordero said that he was aware that the change would be complicated, but in the next government there will be an amnesty for those who participated in drug trafficking and with the decriminalization legal status of people [19659004] Many people no longer want to be on drugs.If we have good planning of the state, which regulates both the production and marketing of the poppy, we will go ahead and the cartels could even decrease, because there will be the possibility of legally having the channel and products.We have to go with the United Nations, which have a special agenda and even quotas.In this clandestine chain, a lot of people are winning and will stop winning and are part of the transition. "

The project is in draft, said the former minister, and the big challenge will be to move to the peace of the country. He stressed that for the first time there will be joint work between the Government, Health, Foreign Affairs and Sagarpa.

We will launch a project with international and national organizations and experts to see how we can move because it is part of the pacification of this country. and we must address the issue in a very important way. No longer consider the person as a criminal but as a public health problem (…) should go to drug prevention and rehabilitation. "

He pointed out that the law will be punitive for those who sell and sell with minors."

We are very concerned about synthetic drugs, which are the ones that cause the most casualties. type of drug should be sanctioned. "

Finally, the former Supreme Court official, Sánchez Cordero, explained that Zoé Robledo and Tatiana Clouthier are invited, among others, to join their work team. Secretary of the Interior

Zoé goes to the Under-Secretariat of the Government, branch, and Tatiana in principle to Human Rights, but (Clouthier) speaks, as she brings a subject that 39, she lives in Monterrey, that would be moving to Mexico with her husband and children. "

With strictly personal information


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