the Delta variant is the dominant variant in the United States


“The fight against the virus is not over. Today, millions of Americans remain unvaccinated and unprotected. And because of this, the community, its friends, are in danger. Even more worrying, because of the delta variant, ”said the president.

Originally from India, it has so far caused epidemics in countries that were under control of the pandemic and therefore initiated a relaxation of their restrictions, as in the case of Israel, one of the nations where it has progressed the fastest to the point of registering 500 positives on Tuesday for the first time in more than three months.

Another example is the UK, where in the last few hours 28,773 cases have been detected, the highest number since January 29 and keeps its number on the rise.

In this context, the government of the Prime Minister Boris Johnson projected that the number of people affected by the Delta variant could reach 100,000 per day.

While in Germany, the new strain accounted for 47% of cases recorded until July 4, reported the Association of Accredited Medical Laboratories (ALM), although it reassured the population by explaining that it is ” in line with expectations “.

Brazil for its part on Tuesday reported two cases of local circulation in a 30-year-old man and a 22-year-old woman, both in the state of Rio de Janeiro.

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