The denialist who wants to be a candidate | Darío Lo …


When it seemed that everything had been seen in Cambiemos porteño, a candidate showed himself willing to face Horacio Rodríguez Larreta in a prisoner at the head of the government. No, it is not Martin Lousteau. The one who rolls to challenge Larreta is his former Minister of Culture, Darío Loperifido, who had to leave office after questioning about the number of people missing during the last dictatorship and making sure that figure be inflated to get money. Lopérfido was a cultural attaché in Germany, a position from which he was also expelled. He is now planning to land in the city and in the inner city. "It's 95% decided," they say in their environment.

The first sign that Loperifido does not give up after the escraches and repudios that made him out of the public race appeared a few days ago, when he came back to create a Twitter account: @ LoperfidoDario.

From there, he began to retweet Internet polls which put him as a possible candidate for the position of head of government, alongside Lousteau and Larreta (and they give it to both). He also aired questions to the mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, as if to show that he was not loosing the tricks.

But the most spicy tweet was dedicated to the head of government he was responsible for: "Hello Horacio Larreta, we do not get along, but I can make a move: you do not like shirts, they can solve the problem, but it's like that, seriously, give up on them, it'll be good for you, blue / white shirt, and believe me, it's for your good, affection? "writes he.

He also dedicated a few tweets to Venezuela: "Shame on those who defend Maduro: millions of exiles, tortures, jailed opponents, corruption, progressives who defend dictatorships, they are deeply indecent, everything refers to civilization or barbarism. " "These are the same people who talk about Milagro Sala and have never cared about the death of Eleven, the grandchildren of those who loved Stalin while they were killing millions of people," he said. declared by reviving the Cold War discussions.

Liberal Yamil Santoro is driving his campaign in Buenos Aires. "It is 95% closed, it is very likely that Darío is a candidate for the city of Buenos Aires," Santoro told PáginaI12. "We talk every day with Darío and work for him to run for the candidate to head the government." Inside of Change Buenos Aires? "This is the intention and the proposal we made, if they did not allow the inside, we would compete outside, because the goal is to allow a liberal representation to compete in these elections. 'is a project that has a center-right competitive agenda,' he said. Santoro could be added to the help of other archaic sectors such as the National Autonomous Party (PAN), which managed José Antonio Romero Feris. There are also rumors of dialogue with the neoliberal economist José Luis Espert. Everyone agrees that Larreta's proposal is "too populist".

The Buenos Aires government told the newspaper the seriousness with which it considered this possible competition: "None", was the fulminant answer.

The return of Lopérfido to Buenos Aires to campaign could recall the repudios he received for his sentence on the last dictatorship: "In Argentina, there were no 30,000 missing, this number was organized at a closed table to get subsidies, "he spat on relatives of victims of state terrorism.

The former spokesperson of Fernando de la Rúa and former member of the Sushi group has never retracted this sentence. On the contrary, it continued to fuel the controversy: "If the army made a big mistake, it was not a legal process." In the seventies, two armed gangs were killed, among which were people ", he reissued the theory of the two demons. . All this caused an undesirable controversy at Larreta, who had to undergo escraches and repudiates of vast sectors of the culture against his minister. In every act that took place, they asked for his resignation.

Finally, Larreta asked him to withdraw, which, apparently, Loperifido does not forgive. At that time, the minister of Buenos Aires had suggested that in other countries they needed it for cultural projects, whereas they repudiated it here. It was quickly known that in fact he was going to Germany as a cultural attaché with a salary of $ 13,000. He held this position until 2018, by which time they effectively ceased his duties, a week after learning his separation from Esmeralda Miter, daughter of one of the owners of the newspaper La Nación .

Lopérfido reappeared recently to reject the 30 000, but in this case, it is the 30 000 pesos which appeared in the registers of the change of campaign of 2015. He thus joined the cause of the contributors truchos. When he left the state office, he said that he would stay in Berlin, tied to the private world. A few months later, he is already preparing to resume the public activity.


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