The desperation of a father: he got into a car to push his daughter and prevent her from being crushed


In a matter of seconds, a father in the United States has to choose between his life and that of his daughter. The two men crossed an avenue in Los Angeles when a car ran by and almost caused a tragedy. The man managed to push his babybut could not prevent the vehicle from hitting him.

Police in Los Angeles, California, broadcast footage captured by a security camera that recorded the moment. In the video, we see how father and daughter arrived on the opposite side of the avenue the car almost exceeds them.

Sequence on when father and daughter are almost run over by a car driving in Los Angeles at full speed. (Photos: taken)
Sequence on when father and daughter are almost run over by a car driving in Los Angeles at full speed. (Photos: taken)

The rapid action of the man managed to prevent the baby was knocked over and he had only minor injuries to his face. On the other hand, he did not experience the same fate: he was hit by the vehicle and he suffered the rupture of the femur from his right leg.

Although the pictures published by the authorities indicate in detail that the incident occurred on November 18, 2018, the video was recently shared by the local police as part of its strategy. find the person driving the car. The authorities believe that it is a matter of woman between 60 and 65 years.


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