"The dilemma lies between dictatorship and democracy," Guaidó said after a meeting with Macri


Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó met Argentine President Mauricio Macri in Buenos Aires on Friday as part of a tour of South American countries, which defended him in defiance of Nicolás' government. Maduro.

The president of the Venezuelan National Assembly, who proclaimed himself acting president of his country on January 23, arrived in Buenos Aires, where he was received by President Mauricio Macri the fifth of a year. Olivos.

OLIVE. Macri met Juan Guaidó (Presidency of the Nation).

After the meeting, Mr. Guaidó gave a press conference in which he stated that "the dilemma in Venezuela is between dictatorship and democracy" and thanked Argentina for its support.

"It is moving to see thousands of Venezuelans in Plaza San Martin," he said, adding that more than "60 countries have expressed their support for him."


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